Hot flashes triggered by anxious feelings are characterized by extra blood flow to the skin and perception of heat. Anxious hot flashes have a variety of extra minor side effects such as sweaty palms of your hands. Anxiety hot flashes are analogous to the hot flashes experienced by menopausal women.

Hot flashes are characterized by a feeling of heat, often felt first in your bosom and face. As an alternative, the shoulders, top of the back, and the neck may be the first places you feel the heat. From the starting point, the heat will typically travel in a meandering way down through the remainder of your body.

Some of the symptoms of anxiety hot flashes that may occur are shortness of breath and a sense of being on the verge of fainting. Dizziness and a tunneling of the vision can also occur while experiencing a hot flash. In some circumstances this feeling will lead to a real faint, which presents a genuine threat to your health. Your body becomes hot and sweat begins to visibly form on your face, neck, chest or head; anyplace that the hot flush is occurring. Although the hot flash can be very transient and continue only for a few minutes, always, it is an unpleasant and unwanted experience.

Feelings of embarrassment can accompany a hot flash, and your embarrassment can lead to anxious feelings about what other people are thinking about you. This can create a vicious cycle in which your anxiety hot flashes cause embarrassment, which promotes additional anxious feelings, which intensifies the hot flash. You can research more on how the various physical anxiety symptoms occur at the Anxiety Details info portal.

During your hot flash, you may breathe too quickly and lightly and feel as though the wind is being pressed out of your chest. Of course anxiety is the root cause of the hot flash, but being in a room with a high temperature can worsen the situation.

There are some easy and straightforward steps you can take to lessen the occurrences of your anxiety hot flashes, although they are not a permanent fix:

* Stay away from spicy meals

Spicy foods set off pain receptors and set off chemical chain-reactions that are very much like hot flashes. The basic act of eating a spicy meal can be similar enough to the experience of a hot flush that your body is stimulated into producing an actual anxiety hot flush. The recognizable hot flash feeling may also make you anxious, which then leads to a genuine hot flash from anxiety.

* Don't drink drinks with liquor

The alcohol-avoidance tip is really about making a reduction in your sum anxiety, not about hot flashes themselves. Should you decide to drink drinking alcohol to try and remove your anxiety, you'll actually end up exacerbating the problem and creating more anxious feelings. More anxiety leads to additional anxiety hot flashes.

* Stand in a cool shower

Excitement of your adrenal glands accompanies anxiety hot flashes. Reducing the body's temperature will constrict the veins and arteries up by your skin, moving blood into a more full coverage throughout the remainder of your body.

In the end the key to utterly abolishing anxiety hot flashes in your life is to remove the underlying anxiety. There is a chance for you to learn more about self-applied methods for banishing anxiety from your life totally and completely by reading the in-depth panic away review here.

The hot flashes could be your greatest issue troubling you at this time, but they are really just a component and a part of the underlying issue of anxiety; anxiety.

Author's Bio: 

Kris began experiencing prolonged anxiety and panic attacks over 10 years ago. As she struggled through a divorce and loss of more than one job, she was nearly devastated by her condition. After a very long period of self education, experimentation and learning, Kris finally discovered the keys to kicking anxiety. She now maintains a resource portal ( dedicated to helping those that suffer from anxiety or panic.