Social Online or Offline
When one is invited to a social event or type of gathering where people meet in person one most often times don’t need to think about what to talk about. The conversation most likely has already been started and one just needs to listen and decide to join (besides the formalities of introducing one’s self) – when one is browsing the not-so-local World Wide Web, then one find oneself in a place of wondrous and sometimes even obscure conversations on the most common to the most broadest of topics. And just like in the world of meeting in person – face to face – one just needs to listen , and decide to join or not.
If you really like to sparkle socially and need the attention you can easily start a conversation of your own in much any manner you want and with whom you want.
What can one be social about
When in conversation one can be social in any which manner as the conversation needs be to keep it going in a way or direction which is pre-dedicatedly thought out or determined.What you can be social about is dependent on the type of intended conversation, though it might be personal or professional; you can cross reference that with a tone of conversation like strict or informative, even sarcasm is often times used in the online blogging community as a way of lifting an opinion.
Is there Rules to being Social?
Though there aren’t really any official rules to being Social online in order to engage with other people (and yes I know, Some websites and their webmaster do have rules that must be followed), but I think that every person should have a sense of common decency that should be practiced throughout ones daily social activities no matter if it be online or offline.Though it might differ from person to person according to their personality, culture, Personal History, Country (government or infrastructure influenced), Political views and the list goes on and on.
What are the Social Rules?
Often times one needs a Social guideline to follow and fall back up on when in doubt. Some of the following rules normally apply to being ethically social in a conversation:
One has to listen (not only to others but to what you are saying as well)
Take every aspect of the conversation into consideration
Make sure that your input will be valid and useful
Think before sharing an input or opinion
Think about how your opinion will affect the engagement (Direction, Type or even Tone of the conversation)
Think about the possible responses to your input and what your response will be in return.
Why be Social And Follow Rules?
It’s quite an easy question to answer for one’s self. It’s socially ethical, professional (even when in a purely social informal community), it allows for standardization of social data interaction online without serious chance of negligence on behalf of a user (except in the case of spam and peer to peer private networks),It allows for expressing ones true self and lifting an opinion in a manner that everyone can understand and suits the specific audience that it is intended for. Really these are only a few random reasons one can think out…
Byron Martin is an SEO / Digital Marketer in South Africa who is busy with a BSC degree in Computer Science.Byron Martin offers content and views that is his own and never gives away his secrets online (like most SEO Consultants do). Byron Martin offers content for the layman and not the professional. He is available on request for Private Work - Just fill in the "Contact" section on his blog.