I recently posted an update on social media sites delightfully proclaiming…

“Progress report: My Content Strategy for 2011 is completely mapped out. Now time to chunk it down into projects & get ready for the New Year”

A response from one of my Facebook friends, Idara Bassey, (and I do consider her a friend — she’s someone I’d like to meet in “real life”, thoughtful, engaging and I truly enjoy our exchange) asked…

“Forgive me if you already elaborated on this in an earlier post- what exactly is a Content Strategy and how does it differ for a goal or a mission statement?”

My short answer is “@Idara it’s your overall marketing theme and messages for the year. Sounds like I need to blog about it. Stay tuned!!!”

Now for a longer explanation and thanks for asking Idara:

A Content Strategy Plan is basically a marketing road map to steer all of your marketing efforts for the upcoming year. Yes –YEAR. I have the unique ability to quickly assimilate information, break it down into topics and put together simple ways to create the foundation of your marketing message for the entire year. It’s another one of my Manyon Marketing Makeover techniques. A Content Strategy Plan is different from a goal or mission statement because your Content Strategy Plan is what helps you reach your goals and operate in accordance to your mission statement.

I can already hear some entrepreneurs saying “I cannot plan that far ahead.” And I say to that “BS!!”

Just because you have an overall theme for your marketing for the year, break it down into monthly themes, have a solid foundation for multiple blog posts and video scripts does not mean you don’t have flexibility to add or change the plan.

It just means you have a solid Content Strategy Plan and you can have content locked and loaded and ready to go in advance so you can focus on your magic and since it’s your business, you can ultimately change the plan any time you need to. AND ultimately you’ve planned in advance to leverage your time and resources.

Here are 11 ways a Content Strategy Plan will help your business.

Basically, having your Content Strategy Plan in place also means:

1. Your overall marketing theme is clearly defined to work with your sales goals

2. The majority of your electronic newsletter or eZine content can be created in advance

3. No more scrambling around at the last minute trying to decide what to write articles about

4. You won’t have to search for blog topics you’ll have your blog topics clearly identified

5. Video script ideas are right at your fingertips so there’s no excuse for being camera shy

6. Everything you create ties together to skillfully promote you and your services while being of service

7. You’re continually offering solutions to your customers problems with your marketing materials

8. JV partnerships and other special promotions are planned in advance (making it easier to say “no” to opportunities that are not a good fit & identifying the big players who plan ahead just like you)

9. A master plan to review, implement and adjust as necessary to ensure you’re reaching your goals

10. Ideas to leverage your current relationships, build new relationships and stretch your own goals

11. You are planning ahead so you can create more time and space for growth
If you have any additional questions, feel free to ask. And while you’re at it, imagine the peace of mind you’ll have once you have your Content Strategy Plan in place.

Author's Bio: 

Lisa Manyon specializes in POWERFULLY communicating your marketing messages to increase results. She’s a Professional Copywriter dedicated to making life easier for business owners and entrepreneurs by knocking one more thing off your “to do“ list. Manyon is the Copywriting Expert for The International Association of Web Entrepreneurs. Get a Free Copywriting Action Plan & discover 7 Power-packed Insider Tricks of the Copywriting Trade to Dramatically Increase Sales of your Products & Services http://www.writeoncreative.com