I bet some of you already know the answer! Two years in a row the Nielsen surveys showed people have given the honor of most trusted profession to– “tada” — NURSING!

Nurses are probably the most holistic caretakers in the health care professions.

We often practice in hospitals and long-term care facilities that are “tightly” staffed and if someone calls off sick, or someone quits, maybe are even short-handed at times. Nurses are also seeing sicker patients in the hospital and due to shorter hospital stays do more admission and discharge paperwork as well which takes time away from actually caring for patients. Long-term care facilities are also taking residents who formerly would have been considered too acute for their facilities. Unfortunately, the nurse-patient ratio has not increased, so nurses have to work harder and harder to continue giving good, safe care. Despite all of these challenges, nurse still come out as being the most trustworthy!

What are some reasons nurses are viewed as being most trustworthy?

1) In many areas of practice: hospitals, long-term care facilities, home care/public health and in community health centers, nurses (not just advanced practice nurses) are the first line caretakers, so they are trusted as being highly competent.
2) Nurses educate people about their medications and treatments so they can become capable of being more independent in caring for themselves in their homes so their expertise is valued.
3) Nurses especially in acute care settings and long-term care are the first to respond to emergency situations. I’ll bet anyone who has survived a cardiac arrest really appreciates the nursing staff who saved their lives!

I bet any nurses who are reading this article can think of many other reasons nurses are seen as being so trustworthy, and could share actual stories of how they have demonstrated this trust as well.

If you happen to be one of these most trustworthy professionals, you are very special. Your expertise is more valued than you may realize, by the people you serve. If sometimes you feel frustrated, overloaded, and unfortunately not always respected, I hope what your patients/clients think of you helps you through any rough times at work. Your patients/clients know how truly amazing you are!

Here is a great BIG thank you to the most trustworthy professionals—NURSES!

Author's Bio: 

Helen Thamm, APRN, CPC is a licensed therapist in Illinois and Wyoming as well as a Certified Professional Coach, who is a career and wellness specialist. You can obtain free tips on career success and wellness issues at http://www.NurseCareerSuccess.com and you can listen to her career success radio series on the Events Page. Leadership success challenges are met in her new manager’s success toolkit book: “How to Manage with a Magic Wand (No, Don’t
Hit Your “Problem Employees” over the Head with it!)” and the bestseller “The Wellness Code” co-authored with Dr. John Ellis, et al which are available at Amazon.com. Helen can be reached for questions at: nursecareersuccess@rtconnect.net or careerreinventions@rtconnect.net .