When someone has Crohn’s disease, the lining of the digestive system is inflamed. This inflammation can begin from the mouth but is commonly associated with the last section of the small intestine or the large intestine. Suffering from Crohn’s disease can mean that a person experiences diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloody stools, fatigue, and weight loss . Unfortunately, Crohn’s disease can lead to life-threatening complications. This is why many people wonder about life expectancy with Crohn’s disease.

What is the life expectancy of someone with Crohn’s disease?

There is no known cure for this disease. Various therapies help reduce the symptoms and allow people to function better. Crohn’s disease impacts a great number of young people – usually those in their twenties. Life expectancy with Crohn’s disease should not be a concern. This disease doesn’t directly affect life expectancy.

There have been a lot of advances in the diagnosis and treatment of Crohn’s. What people do have to consider though is Crohn’s disease life expectancy without treatment. In the 1950s, a severe attack of Crohn’s disease meant a 30 to 60 percent risk of death , but that risk is now three percent when a patient follows a proper treatment plan. These treatments include everything from prescription medications to natural treatments, diet , exercise , as well as stress control techniques.

It can be challenging to live with Crohn’s, but when patients control their symptoms with treatments, they can expect to live a long life. Staying on top of symptoms, communicating with a healthcare professional, and maintaining good treatment can help keep complications under control, including complications that are life-threatening. These complications can be as simple as a side effect due to the type of medication that is being taken.

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At Bel Marra we are committed to helping people lead healthier lives. We believe the one way to do this is to explore and unearth natural secrets and provide this information so that individuals can support healthy lifestyles.

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