What is Hypnosis Without Trance? Before I tell you what Hypnosis Without Trance is I want to tell you who came up with the idea of HWT.

Meet James Tripp. Brilliant man. Hard working. Always up for a challenge he decided to come up with his own style of Hypnosis . While there are many styles of Hypnosis, Hypnosis Without Trance is among the best! There are a ton of people that get caught up on the "we need trance" debate. Look at all of the Hypnotic phenomenon that occurs in everyday life without trance and or Hypnosis.

Ever forget your name before? Was there what most Hypnotists call a "trance"? Probably not. Why complicate things when you don't need to. If you’re the kind of person that likes to stay stagnant and stick to old school Hypnosis Without Trance this isn’t for you.

On the other hand, if you like innovation stay tuned to the end of this post. You're going to discover the TRUE power of this new methodology. Not everyone is a fan of James approach to Hypnosis. Hell not everyone is a fan of me either. Any time new concepts are introduced into the Hypnosis/NLP community people tend to bash the ideas.

Bottom line. Hypnosis has been around since people have been around. Things come and go and times change. Should you hold onto an outdated system? There is a reason that a lot of trainers and “experts” hold on to these old and somewhat confusing systems.

The reason for this is simple:

Hypnotists get jealous of other Hypnotists successes and innovations.

This is where James approach takes a 360. James does a damn good job of boiling all of the concepts into easily understandable chunks of information. There are quite a few people that like to really complicate learning Hypnosis. They introduce all kinds of crazy jargon. Does jargon actually help to learn Hypnosis? Hell no!

Just imagine this. You know nothing about Hypnosis and walk into a training. On a blackboard are words that you've NEVER heard of. Really complicated words. Some really big words. Then even bigger words. During the entire class you could have actually learned Hypnosis, but you didn't. Instead you learned how to totally alienate yourself from people with your fancy schmancy words.

Don't be that guy (or that girl). Do your due diligence to find a good trainer. Don't go with a trainer that can't explain things in really easily understood concepts. You want someone that can give you the lightbulb aka AHA moments. Once this happens you'll be glad you did your research.

Speaking of research. If you use Google you'll discover there is a world of information about using hypnosis without a hypnotic trance. Its called waking hypnosis .

I promised I would tell you what Hypnosis Without Trance is. Its a combination of POWERFUL Hypnosis techniques and a stick of dynamite! Deadly in the wrong hands. In the right hands in can move mountains!

Author's Bio: 

Antonio Perez is a kauai hypnotist that loves Hypnosis! You can listen to his hypnosis without trance review on google or read his hypnosis without trance review on his blog.