Over the years, I have witnessed first-hand the gross misrepresentation of the bible when it comes to marriage within the Christian community. Husbands are taught that as heads of the household, they should function as dictators who are never wrong and should never be questioned. Wives are taught that to be submissive means to be seen and not heard, and to take any and all grievances up with God and not their husbands. This dynamic is the true cause of the high divorce rate among Christians. We are trying to participate in a God created institution with the devil’s rules. That is not at all the way that God intended marriage to function, and as a result, He is not at all surprised that they are ending in divorce .

God does not treat us like slaves or like a dictator. The love and respect that He shows us is what draws us to want to enter into and maintain a relationship with Him. Yet husbands are not taught to show their wives that same level of love and respect. As a result, the sad and perverted excuse for marriage that most Christians are experiencing, is leaving wives feeling emotionally abused, unloved, used, unappreciated, and depressed. None of this reflects God’s heart. But the worse part is that when they reach out to fellow Christians, media, or even their Pastor’s for support or counsel, they are met with dismissive, accusatory, and judgement advise, making them feel alone, confused, and hopeless.

All of this sounds harsh, cruel, and in many cases insane, unless you’ve lived it. I myself along with countless women that I’ve counseled as a life coach, and taught as students in my online school, all too well understand this. Words cannot explain the horror of enduring years and sometimes decades of this kind of dysfunctional marriage. Physical abuse , sexual abuse and perversion, infidelity, emotional and verbal abuse , you name it, they’ve lived it. Yet they all have one thing in common before they encounter me, they all feel like it’s God’s will for them to stay, and thus divorce is not an option for them. But God has entrusted me with the mission to bring truth to these women one course at a time, and that is what I am doing.

If you are a Christian woman and you are contemplating divorce, or you’ve been through a divorce and you want to understand God’s true heart on this subject, void of any condemnation, heresy, or judgement, then I can help. God has given me the details of His thoughts on this matter and it is unlike anything you’ve ever heard before. If you’re like me when I was contemplating divorce, and you’re searching for answers on the matter that are both in line with your Christian values and void of any judgement, then my Authorized Divorce online course is for you. It outlines the truth about when divorce is necessary, why it is permitted by God is many more cases than we think, how you can reconcile the decision to divorce with your faith, and how you can understand the real intended marriage dynamic as God created it. You get the course material including bible studies, prophetic prayers, and personal development exercised to aid you in going from divorce to destiny. Visit https://freedomthroughdivorce.thinkific.com/courses/authorized-divorce to enroll in the course or to learn more.

Author's Bio: 

Amanda Nicole is a Divorced Christian woman who is dedicated to seeing the woman of God free from the bondage of dysfunctional marriage. She believes that too many women are exchanging the right to experience the beauty of God's love for them through marriage that He Himself handpicked and ordained for them, in order to be martyrs in the abusive and life draining counterfeit marriages that they have been tricked into.

As a Faith-Based Life Coach and the creator of the Freedom Through Divorce online school, she helps Christian women who are dealing with divorce, to move from divorce to destiny and to thrive post-divorce.

Visit https://freedomthroughdivorce.thinkific.com to learn more about Amanda's School.