Chatting is the most common adopted activity by the people as everyone is inclined towards messaging and texting to their friends, family , and even in their business life. Research displayed that more the 90% of smartphone users prefer texting & chatting and they text on their regular basis. Now, this is the nature of common people, but if we talk about the businesses, there has been seen a lot inclination towards adopting this trend. Businesses identified that due to the busy schedule of the users, they have to be impatient and always rely upon getting real time answers. Businesses are relying on getting interacted with the users and believe in the feedback that users share over chats.

Well, a technical integration in business applications can solve this road-hassle of entrepreneurs and that is Live Chat, which makes your application do their talking.

Being a business owner, if you are wishing to add a live chat option in your applications, here are some advantages and disadvantages that you should uncover before placing it into your mobile app development process.

The major advantages of having Live Chat in your business app:

As per market demand, incorporating live chat is an excellent option to provide seamless mobile communication because it provides flexibility to the customer to get connected with the brands wherever they need to. Here are the best advantages of having live chat in your business app.

Responsive Customer Service

Social connectivity has been increased nowadays and users and customers have started interacting with brands and have started becoming conversational. This is because users can get the answers to their respective queries at that time. Thus, the demand rate of live chat from users' perspective has been increased and a report says that 80% of users want to get information on chats and inclined towards chat options.

Enhances Customer Retention

The continuous flaws of customers in the bags is more than important to a brand to thrive their business at height. But, there is a fact that retaining old customers cost more than acquiring a new customer. That’s is the reason business owners always focus on holding their customers and tries to enhance their customer retention rate.

Lining up with customer assumptions is essential for your business. It impacts the client's lifetime worth and agitates rate. If customers request quick reactions, that is the thing that you need to give. 82 state prompt reaction from a business is a deciding component of their steadfastness to a brand.

Proactive lead Generation

Live chat integration permit entrepreneurs to step up and connect with guests on their website. By setting triggers, brands can send focused on messages and start customer engagement.

Contingent upon a customer support insight, live chats set out freedom for organizations to have a few minutes of discussion continuously, though this may have required days over email.

Expands ROI

Live chat has been appeared to affect business profit. 69% of organizations that utilization live chat capacities guarantee that live chat has emphatically affected deals, revenue, and client dependability.

In any case, visit alternatives likewise influence customers towards a buy. With questions being replied to continuously, 48% say they are bound to purchase from an organization if that it offers live chat uphold.

The major disadvantages of having Live Chat in your business app:

As per the above sections, live chat is very much advantageous for your business application as it adds various perks to your revenue section. But, is live chat a groovy option for your business? If the doubt popped out in your mind, then here we have curated few cons that you must know before integrating this feature.

Distracted Business alignment with customer demand

The strain to satisfy the customer is on. If reasons are unknown, you can't react in an ideal way (either due to work issues or understaffing), you are in danger of disappointing your customers. 25% of purchasers are baffled by significant delay times.

Possibility of Customer misfortune

Live chats have a ton to bring to the table. Yet, services should be right on the money. For example, scripted reactions can expand dissatisfaction for almost 29% of customers.

Any unacceptable association may make your clients leave-directly to your rivals. 51% of clients say one negative experience is sufficient to make them forsake a site, never to visit again.

Possibility of Reputation harm

Unsatisfied guests may voice their disappointment to individuals they know. All things considered, Americans inform concerning 15 individuals about a helpless assistance experience, versus 11 for a decent encounter. The issue can heighten when they take it to web-based media, destroying your image picture. Hence, live could harm your brand’s reputation too, and that all because your last customer has said something wrong about your brand.

Can be challenging

Live chat necessitates that you satisfy the hope that you are free at whatever point a potential client needs help. What happens when you are managing clients from various time regions? Will you have the option to utilize the workforce to offer day in and day out help?


Incorporating Live Chats in your business application can be advantageous and disadvantageous at the same time, it only depends on the channeling method of your live chat. How your brand is dealing with the customer and how your application offering flexible features to your users is the key thing to focus upon and then asking for integrating live chat to your hired mobile app development company is not a wrong idea.

Author's Bio: 

Hailing from a technical background, Murtza Abbas has always been crunching words in his head and perform a role of Digital Marketer cum Feature Writer. Handling all digital marketing activities like SEO, SMO, ASO, SMM, Google Adwords and analysis website performance using Webmaster and Google Analytics.