Do you ever really stop and think about the weather? Have you ever wondered beyond the scientific explanations what causes a natural disaster? Are you a person that pays attention to which way the wind blows literally?

I have always found the weather and natural disaster patterns that happen in the world quite interesting. Even as a small child I would look to the skies often and see what was blowing through, what they looked like. I have almost always wanted to know what direction the wind was blowing from.

As I developed in life and got a little older, I actively engaged in my spiritual studies on a conscious level. As part of this I was taught to look at the plants, the elements, the directions, and yes which way the wind blew. Perhaps at that time I was taught from more “lore” or “old wives tales” perspective; but as I deepened my studies and understanding I realized that the weather, the forces of nature, and yes which way the wind blow were powerful ways that the universe and Earth were connecting and communicating with us.

Most people don’t pay much attention. While you may have some farmers that use the Farmer’s Almanac to guide them and that may provide insight on some of this; there is so much more. In my work of integrating things and as a Code Interpretor, I have come to realize that these are not just general guides for us to work from; but real and genuine messages. I have learned that even with HAAARP at play, which brings in a whole other dimension to the messages of our weather messages, that this is how the Earth is communicating with us.

Keep in mind that all the world and universe is operating on a non-judgmental, cause and effect flow that is basically based on numbers and signs or symbols. As humans we see this visually; and it is that visual that shows us the energy pattern that is active. For example, it is not right or wrong that it rains or is sunny; it is just honoring different needs and sharing with us information on the natural flow of being in the world at a given time. Also, this is always balancing. Even on the Earth itself there are 2 Hemispheres that are balancing; Winter in the United States is Summer in Australia.

So nature always has all things at once to stay in balance in it’s own way. However,weather patterns and natural disasters are extremes; they are the signs that things are out of balance. Now, while we can easily jump to blaming HAARP for such things; the reality of it is that we as humans are operating out of balance and the universe is trying to show us that. Weather in particular is tied to our thoughts first and then our emotions. Why? Most weather and natural disaster patterns require the element of Air to be active. Even Tidal Waves are brought forth from stronger wind patterns that move the water more forcefully. The element of Air is tied to our thinking areas, while water related things which often join in with the Air element become added. However, there is always the concept that our thoughts are stimulated by our feelings too. No need to go into a spiral; for they often go hand in hand as the Masculine and Feminine principals that are out of alignment.

These weather patterns can even be something as simple as showing us that our thoughts are affecting our emotions or vice versa. The pressure, the worry, the turbulence that we experience as humans is in an interrelationship with our atmosphere. Now, I won’t go too much into that now, as I want to save that for a future post coming up soon. However, the weather and natural disaster patterns are the universe communicating with us as far as what needs to be done is my focus for now.

HAARP actually, isn’t a major player in this because with or without HAARP the weather pattern or natural disaster is sharing with us important insights and requests of what needs to be done. Let’s take a look for example at the increase of just weather extremes. The codes of WEATHER EXTREMES tell us that we are trying to play naive, that people are appearing to be innocent while they are weaving in and out of opposing circles of people. It warns that we are playing dangerous games; deceiving ourselves into believing that we will get away with something, risking that at any time we will be in a danger that we cannot get out of.

When we look at the codes of Record High Temperatures out of season we are getting a message of revolutionary energy, upheaval that will not be favorable for us. The balancing of this is that of Record Low Temperatures out of season which indicates to us that we are operating under greater wisdom that can lead us in a favorable direction. It shows us that the choice is ours. We have two outcomes at hand; and it is time for us to make the adjustments needed. As we pull ourselves out of our own “strife” or “suffering” we will also see the natural disasters settle down and weather patterns come into balance. With each person that chooses to live from compassion; the more evident this will become in our world.

Have you noticed how the weather shifts depending on your own thoughts and moods? Have you noticed that there are more extremes in weather where people engage in more fighting or war? How much have you noticed what type of natural disasters have been happening and where in the world they have been happening and what is happening in that place?

Jesse Ann Nichols George

Code Interpretor

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Author's Bio: 

Jesse Ann Nichols George is the author of 4 books, which are founded on the principles of compassion, and how to use it to bring joy to all areas of life; as well as to open to living your passion and manifesting a life of joy and fulfillment. In addition she is a collaborator and International Best Selling Author on “Embraced by the Divine: The Emerging Woman’s Gateway To Power, Passion, and Purpose”. She created of The Genesis Clearing Statement and The Compassion Tour. Jesse is a Code Interpretor with over 33 years of experience working with clients and assisting others with their life processes and helping them to work with their best influences and to strongly connect with Divine Flow. She is a 13th+ generation spiritual healer, energy tuner, life/relationship/spiritual and wellness coach, holistic and natural lifestyle advisor. She is also a 13th+ generation Druidic practitioner; honoring and appreciating the harmony of all things. Her work encompasses practices from Eastern and Western philosophies. Jesse is a speaker and also hosts her own radio show. You can learn more about the work that she is doing at