When bedtime becomes a time of worry, coping with panic attacks can be especially difficult. Thoughts of dread and worry about going to bed only aggravate attacks and make them more likely to occur. It can be extremely hard not to fall into this cycle of fear especially when a person has experienced an attack. Having a night panic attack is an extremely distressing and terrifying experience.

Following an attack the person develops an unconscious fear of bedtime. The bed becomes associated with feelings of fear and making it difficult to sleep at night. Lying in bed, thoughts of an attack happening keeps a person awake. Insomnia affects a high number of people who suffer from anxiety disorders such as panic disorder.

Coping with panic attacks can be done in several ways. Firstly, the sufferer needs to change habits and thoughts about sleep. It's important to make the bedroom inviting and a place of comfort. Worrying thoughts need to be replaced with thoughts about enjoying a good restful night's sleep. Try and focus on positive thoughts and get into a positive sleep regime before going to bed.

Herbal medication such as valerian can help soothe anxiousness and tension to help you stay asleep. Try to steer clear of TV that is too exciting or distressing that might affect sleep. TV and surfing the Internet can be highly stimulating for the body and mind.

Laughter produces a chemical known as endorphin that acts as a natural painkiller and makes us feel good. Get into the habit of trying to smile and laugh as much as possible in the day. A hot relaxing bath, a massage or a short nap can help reinvigorate and relax oneself. Practicing relaxation exercises is a great way to unwind and prepare for sleep.

Make a rule to keep away from caffeinated drinks and other stimulants that have an adverse affect on sleep. Don't eat big meals soon before going to bed. Herbal beverages which are caffeine-free can be drunk before sleep. A glass of warm milk can also help calm nerves and induce sleep.

Make yourself tired and a reason for sleep. Make an effort to use your physical and mental energy in the day. When you exercise , you not only burn up harmful chemicals in your body, your body produces good ones. Applying yourself mentally is a good distraction from worry and also a chance to expand your horizons.

Breathing exercises can help develop and strengthen your lungs and give you more control. Learning to breathe deeply and utilize the lungs is an excellent way of coping with panic attacks. Since in 50% of attacks hyperventilation occurs, learning to take control of breath can prevent full blown episodes. When you get to bed try progressive relaxation to help you release mental and physical tension.

Find an expert to help you in coping with panic attacks and anxiety . As frightening as attacks may be, remember that when they occur, they are not dangerous. Switch on the bedside light and focus on your breath. Take long deep breaths and let the symptoms pass away. If sleep seems difficult, read a book or continue to breathe slowly. Before you try and sleep again, make sure you're relaxed and ready.

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Need a natural way for controlling panic attacks ? Discover a fast-acting natural solution for coping with panic attacks here.