Vapear has become the most effective way to quit smoking. Say goodbye to the thousands of toxic carcinogens of cigarettes, better enjoy the taste of tobacco - and many more - through a good electronic cigarette.

In this post we present 5 tips to not look like a rookie and be able to integrate with confidence as a good vapeador.

A quality electronic cigarette

First of all, you will need a device to be able to vape, that is, a vaporizer or electronic cigarette. Of course, the quality will be a clear advantage that gives a longer duration. To make a great purchase we recommend models that allow you to easily exchange pieces, the most important are:

Electronic cigarette clearomizers. This is the 'tank' where the liquid heats up. This is the part where we recommend you to look for better quality options since this is where the liquid turns into steam, which is the most important part of the process. They also call it atomizers.
Battery. This is the part that will generate the necessary heat to vaporize the liquid.
Led. It is usually activated when you are inhaling.
Nozzle. Over here you will receive the steam.

The right liquid

Of course, the best liquid will be the one that best meets your expectations of flavor and intensity, just make sure that it complies with EU regulations to guarantee its quality. If you do not want to or cannot quit nicotine, you can also look for liquids that have a certain percentage, which is always indicated clearly. In this regard, we suggest keeping them in a cool place, and you may be interested to know that for reasons of taste, many experts prefer to keep it in the refrigerator.

How to vape

If you have not done it before and do not want to "look bad", consider that you should shake the liquid before filling your electronic cigarette. Once ready, start with some very soft puffs and gradually, go long, according to how you enjoy it and how it feels better.

Do not forget the cleaning

Depending on the use you give, it will also be the type of cleaning. If you start to give daily use, in this same frequency should be also the toilet. This also allows you to extend its useful life, you can also maximize the amount of steam generated, thus improving the flavor, making it more akin to the qualities of the product. In this regard it is important to clean particularly the contacts of the battery and the claromizer.

Make sure you have a manual battery

Electronic cigarettes have two main battery modes, the automatic style, which is the one that will activate itself at the time of blowing and, also, is the manual mode, for which you must press a button located on the side of the device.

Perhaps in a first impression you can think that automatic mode is more comfortable and fast, however, we recommend you to make sure to opt for a model that also allows you a manual style, since this will actually give you more control over vaping . With the manual mode you will be able to extend the vapeo to your liking in a better way, besides that the sensitivity in some models of poor quality, becomes deficient in the automatic mode.

Author's Bio: 

Hasan Root, a dream lover.