Sometimes we find ourselves low in motivation . The causes can be varied from having to do a simple task that we find boring to embarking on a new stage in our lives that we find challenging. Whatever the task, big or small, we need to get on with it! The task will be done quicker, better and with more enjoyment if we can generate the motivation to do it.

We need a positive motivation towards our goal but sometimes we need a negative motivation that reminds us of the consequences of inaction. The most functional motivation for change and growth is motivation that is derived from a clear goal or aspiration; this is the positive driver, reinforced by a clear perception of the negative results from doing nothing and maintaining the status quo.

NLP questioning/ interviewing processes can help you be clear about your desired outcome, harness the resources you possess or discover the ones you will need to achieve your desired goal. When you know the goal is the one you really want and is congruent with your values and beliefs, you will naturally find your motivation increases. When you use your strengths and resources you will take actions that move you in the direction of your desired outcome further reinforcing your motivation to succeed.

The hypnotic state can be very powerful in helping you. Under the guidance of a professional and skilled hypnotherapist you can uncover your true motivation. Sometimes we have unconscious drivers that hold us back. Sometimes these limiting beliefs are established in our youth by being exposed to negative attitudes or traumatic events. Under the careful guidance of a skilled and caring professional who understand both NLP and non script driven personal hypnotherapy you can safely explore these unconscious motivators and change them. Mostly though, our lack of motivation is not rooted deep in our past but generated by habit of mind. If we have over the years developed an overly pessimistic view of ourselves, the world and events, it can be very easy to justify inaction based on our frame of reference.

Hypnotherapy develops a very comfortable state of mind where self limiting beliefs can be changed and positive yet realistic beliefs and strategies can be absorbed.

NLP questioning and strategies combined with hypnosis has the power to increase and develop your motivation. Motivations that will help you experience tasks large and small differently and more positively so that you begin to live the life you are capable of.

Author's Bio: 

Matthew Ferguson SQHP
(Clinical hypnotherapist, Trainer of Hypnotherapy and NLP, Stress Consultant and Authentic Happiness Coach) Matthew runs a training school in Scotland teaching Hypnotherapy, NLP and Coaching to learn more and to read more Articles by Matthew visit If you are a Facebook user please click on our Follow us on Facebook button on the web site and click the like button. You will be kept up to date with the latest articles, information and free downloads.