If you want to mark a special occasion or make sure that someone is truly aware of just how much they mean to you, then giving personalized photo greeting cards is one of the most effective means of doing so. Choosing just the right card can often be difficult, but making one using your own images means that you can hand over exactly what you want every time.
Finding just the right greeting cards to give to people can often be tricky, since you’re looking for something which is aesthetically pleasing, meets the specific occasion and is also a good fit with both your personality and that of the recipient. Often, this means having to spend hour after hour looking round stationers and card shops and, at the end of the process, having to make do with something which is less than ideal and is anyway a mass produced item rather than something truly personal. One way around this problem has always been to create cards of your own, but many people lack the confidence or artistic ability to do so. If you’re a professional photographer then perhaps you’ll have the necessary training and equipment to produce a retail quality card using one of your own images, but, for people lacking this skill set the option has always been closed. Now, however, anyone who owns a digital camera is in a position of being able to create their own unique photo greeting cards. If you want the perfect Mothers Day card, for example, then what could be better than one featuring a favourite image of your own children? At Christmas, why not send a card based around an image of your family round the tree, or playing happily in the snow? The choice is yours alone, and no matter what the occasion you’re bound to be able to find an image which is absolutely perfect, and will thus have an emotional impact which a shop bought card could never hope to match.
The process of designing and printing personalised photo greeting cards has been reduced to a few quick and incredibly simple steps. Having chosen the image or images, you merely have to upload them to the site you’re using. Once you’ve done this, the software has been specifically designed to be as simple, instinctive and user-friendly as it possibly can be. No experience in design or computer work is necessary, since you’ll be led through each step of the process in a logical, manageable manner, choosing things such as the size and shape of the card and any text on the front or inside.
The finished item will be printed on the finest quality card and produced to a standard which matches anything you could hope to find in a shop. Once you’ve seen how simple and effective the entire process is, you’ll feel able to go further and, rather than collecting your favourite images in a somewhat tatty photo albums, you’ll use them to create and print bespoke photo books which make excellent gifts as well as being mementos which you’ll be happy to take down and look at time and time again.
The range of items which can be produced using digital imagery is vast, from greeting cards and photo calendars to luxurious volumes taking the place of photo albums. The one thing they all have in common is a stunning combination of quality and emotion.
Preserve your golden memories of life by engraving those precious photo album and personalised photo greeting cards through Albelli