These days, with the increase and development of the Internet and cyberspace in all aspects of life, there are successful businesses that can be highly regarded in the world of the Internet and have professional activities in this space. The more traffic and visits to a site and page, the more likely it is to sell and provide services to that site. One of the most important factors that sites can use to analyze their data and increase their site traffic is its conversion rate
and optimization. In this article, we will provide you with comprehensive information on optimizing conversion rates and using data to improve site traffic.
What is the conversion rate?
In the first step of this article, we need to know exactly what the conversion rate is and how the data can be used to optimize it. When you enter a site, you are a golden opportunity for the seller or service provider to become a buyer or customer.
You may change from a simple visitor to a temporary or permanent buyer, you may order the services of the company providing the service, you may become a regular reader of the site and subscribe to its newsletters, you may be in polls Participate in the site and any other action that indicates your involvement with the site. You have become a digital idiom! From a typical user to a buyer or service customer. The conversion rate is the amount of engagement of users and readers of the site with the activities of the site. Undoubtedly, the higher the rate, the more popular the site and the more likely it is to succeed. The experts of each site and cyberspace use different data to determine the conversion rate and optimize it. In short, the conversion rate will give you information so that you can get acquainted with user behavior
, website performance and feedback, and use its data analysis to address your shortcomings and develop your strengths.
What is conversion rate optimization or CRO?
So far we are familiar with the concept of conversion rate. Now we want to know what is conversion rate optimization? As the name implies, any action that leads to an increase in the customer and regular users of the site, will be aimed at optimizing the conversion rate.The very important point is that optimizing this rate is not a project that you tell yourself to work on for a month or two and achieve the desired result. Rather, optimization is a constant process and you should pursue it as long as you have a site and operate in the world of the Internet.
How to measure conversion rate
Measuring job conversion rates is relatively simple. Of course, other factors and factors may be influential in this calculation, but in general, it can be said that to measure the conversion rate, it is enough to divide the amount of customer behavior
into the number of visits.
The required customer behavior
varies according to the type of sites and their goals. For a store site, the amount of customer purchases and for a news site, membership in that behavior is desired.
For a store site, it is enough to divide the number of users' purchases by the number of visits. For example, if 100 users have visited your site in a period of time and 20 of them have made a purchase, your site conversion rate will be 0.2.
Are SEO and CRO the same?
One of the most common misconceptions in the digital world is that many people think that SEO and conversion rate optimization are one concept, when they are not. It is true that these two concepts are related to each other and both can affect the success of your site and increase sales and service, but the two concepts are completely different.
SEO is a process and solutions that a site experts do to improve the site's position in search engines and in fact their goal is to gain the satisfaction and attention of search engines, while as mentioned above, conversion rate optimization Seeks to increase customers and examines their behaviors.
What factors should we optimize on our site to increase the conversion rate?
In order to increase the conversion rate of your site, your site must be able to attract the customer's opinion from the first moment a user enters the site. To do this, there are key issues such as site speed, landing page, etc. that you should pay attention to in the first step of optimization.
Home or landing page optimization
The landing page of each site is the first page that users will enter by clicking on your site link, which is different from the main page of the site. In order to increase your data conversion rate, you need to optimize your landing page and homepage.For example, if you have a store site, it is better to design a shopping cart instead of separate purchases and separate payments for each product so that users can easily order all the products and goods they want and pay for them. Rest assured, if users have to choose the purchase operation separately for each product, they will give it to their competitors!
Text and content optimization
Another major factor influencing a site's conversion rate is its text and content. You have to pay attention to different aspects to produce content.
Try to choose attractive and beautiful titles for the content of the site to attract the attention of users and readers at first glance.
Write content in clear and fluent language so that all users can read it and become familiar with its meaning.
Use paragraphs and subheadings and avoid writing long, one-piece texts.
Make the titles and subheadings more colorful so that the reader notices their differences from other sections of the article.
Write complete content so that the reader can get all the information they need from your content.
Do not limit yourself to textual content and use other content such as movies, podcasts, animations, images, etc.
Use the form and optimize it
One of the most important steps you can take to optimize your site conversion rate is to use information forms for users. These forms can provide you with useful information. For example, you can ask your users to fill out special forms before purchasing or subscribing to the site or ordering services. These forms can contain information such as job, age, gender, how to get acquainted with the site, etc.These forms also need to be optimized so that they can get you the information you need. This optimization will include the following:
Choose forms that are concise and useful. Rest assured that filling out forms with many fields is tedious for users, and many may skip filling out the form.
Your designed form should be beautiful and consistent. The questions should be clear and you should not ask vague questions.
Place more important fields in the higher sections and less important fields in the lower sections.
If you need to create an account, you can ask users to enter their email or Gmail to make it easy to remember.
If you need to get a password, make sure your password has rules that are easy to use and remember. You can also use the option to remember the password and account so that if users log in to your site with the same digital device, they will log in directly to your account and do not need to enter information and password.
Site structure optimization
Another factor that can have a positive and direct impact on conversion rate optimization is the structure of your site. The site should have a simple map and structure and users can easily navigate inside it and find the sections they want. If your site is completely one piece and does not have categories and divisions, users will get tired and confused and leave your site immediately after entering the site.
Optimize action button
An action is a button or action that you use to ask users to do what you want them to do. For example, this button can be purchase, order or membership. To be able to optimize this button as well, you can make changes to the font, size, color and other factors of this button.
Site speed optimization
Another important and effective factor in conversion rate optimization is site speed optimization. Statistics show that every second of delay can reduce the conversion rate by 7 to 11 percent. If your site has a loading speed of more than 6 seconds, it is considered a slow site and you may lose a large number of users in a short time.
Different methods of measuring conversion rate and optimizing it
There are several tools available to you to access the data you need to get conversion rates. You need a lot of information to get the conversion rate and the factors influencing it. Access to this information is generally done in two ways: analytical and using tools and methods of using public opinion.
Analytical method
This method uses various tools such as Google Analytics to study customer behavior. These tools show you where your site visitors came from and where they came from. What browsers do they use, what is their age and gender? Which part of your site has the most traffic and which part has the lowest rate and will provide you with other information that will be very useful to you.
Use polls and forms
Another way you can access the data you need and use it to increase your conversion rate is to use various forms and surveys. Of course, the efficiency of this method is less than the previous method, but in special and minor cases, it can have significant effects.You can put various polls and forms on your site and ask your customers and users the questions you want. These forms can contain questions such as their age, gender and personal information. You can also ask the user, what is attractive to them on your site? What are the strengths and weaknesses of your site? And any other questions that are important to you.
Various tools for collecting information and data to improve conversion rates
As mentioned above, to obtain and optimize conversion rates, we need a variety of data that can be accessed both analytically and in polls. In addition to analytics tools such as Google Analytics, there are various other tools that you can use to analyze data. These tools include the following:
Site usability test
As mentioned above, site simplicity is one of the important factors that will affect conversion rate optimization. To be able to check this factor on your site, you can use various tools to test it. From the customer's point of view, this tool will check and show you the ease of using the site, access to content, etc.
Net promoter index
Another tool that will help you optimize your conversion rate is to pay attention to the net promoter index or NPS. This indicator will show the level of loyalty of users and customers of your site. This tool divides users and customers into three categories: promoter, passive and repellent. Promoters will be your regular and loyal customers and will introduce your products to others. Passive people are those who enter your site but do not make a purchase or introduce you to others. Repellents are also people who are dissatisfied with your service and purchase and are likely to advertise negatively for you. Access to this information and data will help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses and improve your data conversion rate.
Heat maps and click maps
Another tool for data analysis is the use of click and heat maps. These maps will show you which sections of your site are the most popular and which sections have the least clicks .
Scroll maps
These maps will show the user behavior on your site. You can easily find out what sections the user went through after entering your site, on which sections he spent more time, which sections he did not enter, and so on.
What are the benefits of conversion rate optimization for you?
If you can access the data you need, analyze it, and take action to address your weaknesses and develop your strengths:
Your potential customers will become actual.
You will identify your target community and invest in them.
Your return on investment will be faster.
Your promotional customers will increase.
Your site traffic will increase, SEO and its position in search engines will improve.
The trust of users in your site will increase.
The data conversion rate indicates how many users and visitors to your site have performed the behavior you expected. This behavior can be buying, subscribing or ordering services. You must have access to different data to optimize the conversion rate. This information will be obtained from various methods such as forms and surveys or various analytical tools. After analyzing the information, you can improve your data conversion rate through various solutions such as producing appropriate content, site simplicity, action, etc.
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