The Solfeggio frequencies , stirring tones used in Gregorian chants since the 8th century AD, were once forgotten--“misplaced”--if you will, throughout the history of the Roman Catholic Church, and nearly lost from the collective consciousness of mankind forever. But two men, Dr. Joseph Puleo, who received the information about these lost frequencies in a way that most can only consider divine, and Dr. Leonard Horowitz, who is now spreading the secrets of the Solfeggio frequencies to the conscious and aware throughout the world, have resurrected these ancient frequencies and have unlocked their mysteries to share with today’s world.

What are the Solfeggio Frequencies?

The Solfeggio Frequencies are a set of 6 tones, originally used in Gregorian chants that were sung at the Latin Mass and found in the Hymn to St. John the Baptist, from which The Solfeggio Scale, Ut, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, came. Each of the names of the tones of the Solfeggio scale comes from the first two letters of the first word of each line of the hymn. The tones were believed to have tremendous power, especially when they were sung in harmony. Especially significant is the fact that each of the tones correspond to a frequency, (hence the name Solfeggio frequencies) that when reduced by the Pythagorean Theorem, equals 3, 6, or 9, which are considered important numbers in Sacred Geometry, the mathematical techniques through which the entire universe was created.

The Solfeggio tones, their associated frequencies, and what they affect are as follows:

UT – 396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear
RE – 417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
MI – 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
FA – 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships
SOL – 741 Hz – Awakening Intuition
LA – 852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order

How Did they Get Lost?

As time went by, the Church began to change, and little by little, the syllables became associated and identified with their respective notes. “Ut” was changed to “Do”, a seventh note, “Si” was added to complete the scale, and then later changed to “Ti.” The changes, though they seem relatively mild, affected the way the frequencies were sung, thus weakening the impact of the Church’s hymns on the spirituality of their parishioners.

The original frequencies resonated mathematically and were able to change people from the inside, inspire their communion with God, and ultimately help them be more like God. The loss of these frequencies meant a distancing of mankind from God.

Why are they important today?

The recovery of these frequencies is very important for us as a species. These frequencies are not found in the music we listen to today. Even though we have the modern scale “Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do,” these are only close approximations to the Solfeggio Scale, and do not produce any of the Solfeggio frequencies that are mathematically based. The Solfeggio frequencies resonate with the universe, the natural world, and our own bodies, and have the powers to open our minds; connect us with a higher awareness and spirituality; cleanse us of negative emotions and release us of our mental slavery; and even repair our bodily tissue and DNA.By unlocking the power of the Solfeggio frequencies, we have the power to unlock the secrets of the universe.

Author's Bio: 

Karol Jankowiak is an artist, technologist, independent sound researcher, and educated philosopher. He is the founder of Attuned Vibrations, where he promotes the healing Solfeggio tones and other alternative tuning methods. Born with sensitive ears and natural curiosity, he left corporate life to help and assist others in rediscovering their true potential as vibrational beings.
Visit Karol's website, Attuned Vibrations , or follow him on Facebook .