As you know, nothing happens to you, everything happens, because of you. So if any future dream is to be converted from that electrical charge of possibility, which exists in your brain right now and converted into something, real and tangible, then you must live by the old adage of, “If it is to be, it is up to me”. Accept 100 % responsibility for creating the future of your dreams . You can no longer just take responsibility for all the great things, which happen in your life. If you want to be truly successful and enjoy true meaning and fulfilment in your life, you must also accept responsibility for all the things, which go wrong or that don’t work out too.

Accept Responsibility
When you accept responsibility for everything, you empower yourself to mitigate or overcome all challenges, which will inevitably cross your path. You effectively give yourself authority to tackle any setback or challenge, in the knowledge that you have what it takes to triumph every time. The way your life turns out in the future, will not be as a result of what happens to you, but rather how you choose to respond to, what happens in your world. Stop wasting even one second longer, trying to apportion blame and instead accept 100 % responsibility for everything in your life. This shift will see you easily tackle and overcome every challenge, which comes your way, allowing you to triumph every time.

Nothing is in your Way
Walk into the future from the comfort of your own mind and see what you want to create there. Now record this picture of possibility in your own handwriting on a card, which you carry with you, wherever you go. This crucial step in the goal achievement process, allows you to make an important shift in your thinking. Instead of viewing things in your life as being “In your way”. Where you ask poor quality questions like, “How am I going to get through this?” The mere fact of recording what you want to achieve in the future, gives you direction and the same situation, which was in your way before, is now “On your Way”. This means that you will start asking better questions like “What can I get from this?”

Asking better Quality QuestionsAs you know the quality of your questions, determines how your life will turn out in the end. If you ask negative questions, like “How am I going to get through this?” You put your mind in a state of overwhelm and cause yourself to contract. On the other hand when you ask positive questions like “What can I get from this?” you move your mind into an inquisitive place of enquiry, growth and expansion. Asking better questions, allows you to learn more, acquire better skills, invites more experience into your life and allows you to keep growing. As you know as you become more you will always attract more.

Unlock the Power of your Ambition
You have incredible power pent-up inside you, to create exactly the life you want to live. Apply your self-discipline daily, to drive your inspired actions and allow the power of your ambition; to propel you to where you want to go. The only two things standing in the way of you living the perfect life of your dreams, is your belief in yourself to make it possible and your commitment to take inspired goal specific action daily. Give flight to your passion and purpose today and you can achieve anything you believe is possible for you.

Author's Bio: 

Andrew Horton is one of South Africa's top sales training experts. He will support, uplift and inspire sales professionals to explore the limits of their potential and awaken the sales giants, which resides within all of them. His sales training presentation is aimed at inspiring sales professionals, helping them to become re-energised and eager to achieve their sales targets. The sales tools and powerful tried and tested practical sales techniques, they will be introduced to during his presentation, will help any sales professional to immediately up their game and to become a real sales giant, within their markets. Visit my website at