Have you got any idea where your life or business will be one year or five years from now, or are you satisfied to leave that to chance? You are most certainly going to arrive somewhere, one year or five years from now. My question to you is “WHERE” is that going to be. You can continue to fly by the seat of your pants and hope that things will work out, or you can finally make a far wiser choice and create a crystal clear written down vision for how you want your future to turn out.

When you establish a crystal clear reason, of exactly what you want to see in your life or business in the future, you have a visual picture, which will direct your thoughts and actions and give you a foundation for creating a strategic plan to get you there. When you create your vision for the future, ensure that it is something meaningful and also something that you really want to achieve in your life or business. As your vision is the driving force that will direct your daily actions, it is crucial that you are able to believe that it is possible for you to achieve in the future. Yes of course your vision should stretch you, but if it is too outrageous and unbelievable, it will feel overwhelming, rather than inspirational.

Vision is a Powerful DriverWhen you have a crystal clear vision for the future, you unleash a powerful force within yourself, a tenacity, which will be reflected in all the actions you take. Your clarity of purpose, which will flow from knowing exactly what you want to achieve, will make overcoming any obstacles, which you encounter along the path to success, far easier to overcome, you will become virtually unstoppable.

Visualise your Success as often as Possible
Action Idea: Build a vivid picture, depicting exactly how your life or business will be after you have realized your dreams or goals in the future. View this picture in your mind’s eye at least 10 times a day, visualising yourself living exactly the life you have envisioned. When you do this, you give your mind all the elements necessary to build a picture of believability around, the future you have created as your vision. This will help inspire you to take the daily action necessary to realise your full potential and over time you will see all your goals and dreams manifest in your life.

Stay Focused and Inspired
This clarity of vision, believability and constant reminder; helps you to stay focused and will inspire you to keep taking the very necessary, daily disciplined action that will ensure that you realize your dreams and business goals.

When you regularly create a vivid picture in your mind, of exactly how you want your future to be and you constantly visualize this vivid picture in your mind, throughout the day, as though it is your current reality. You constantly remind yourself of why each goal is important to you. Achieving each goal also becomes more and more believable and you are far more committed and dedicated to do the work needed to succeed.

Visualise your Future in the NowWhen you begin rehearsing your future by visualizing it in your NOW, you are in effect preparing and equipping yourself for the activity necessary to succeed. No stage performance would ever be successful or a hit without rehearsal. Actors spend hours doing things over and over again until they perform perfectly. When you apply this principle in your life, visualizing yourself performing perfectly, you dramatically increase your chances of creating your future exactly the way you want it.

Author's Bio: 

Hi my name is Andrew Horton; I am an inspirational Speaker, Master Teacher, Radio and TV Host, Global Traveler and Author. My area of focus is in the field of human behavior, expanded awareness and enlightenment. I travel the planet constantly researching, learning and seeking ways to unlock the mysteries of the human mind. I delve into the inner workings of the universe, always looking for ways to understand my role in making things better and contributing to the improvement of the human experience. Please visit my website to sign up for a daily inspirational message, by following this link Daily Inspirational Message. This is your daily call to action, a reminder to do things better each day. Visit my website at http://www.andrewhorton.co.za