If you are a new cat owner, there will be a time when your cat behaves like one of your kids. But until that time, it is entirely up to you to understand your cat traits and small hints he or she could be signaling to you. Knowing or not can build or break your relationship as cats have basic needs like humans even if they are just pets .

Even though it is your responsibility to understand and attend to your cats’ needs, you will still be wondering why or what since cats cannot speak and communicate like humans. This usually happens when you own cat for the first time and have no idea how much your cat depends on you other than just food and shelter.

For instance if we are sick like having fever, cough or cold, physically or mentally injured, we have no problems expressing ourselves literally in minutes. Cats on the other hand are not able to. So other than just meowing, they have to take actions like picking up or knocking off some objects so to enable you to understand better that it needs medical care from vets.

If you suspect that your cat is suffering from medical problems be it injury or sickness, you should certainly seek professional help immediately by arranging a schedule with your veterinarian. The earlier you do so, the better it will be for you and your cat as to what the actual problem is. If you have to, make your cat’s appointment an emergency visit.

Most new cat owners are still wondering as to how they can tell if their cats are feeling sick or being inflicted with injuries that may not be easily seen by naked human eye. Whether the cat has been with you for weeks, months or even years, you should start observing the typical habits he or she already has or developed over time.

Habits like greeting you when you enter a room, going to kitchen when it is hungry or thirsty or sleeping in the same spot. If any of these habits change, it could be due to injury or sickness.

Speaking of hunger and thirst, these are what you should know about your cat as to when it usually feel that way. Most owners simply leave food out for their cats. Though this is the right thing to do, there may be negative reactions from your cat. Like if it has eaten too much and develop an obesity problem like Garfield. Or it begins feel sick of eating the same food and wanting something different.

If you think that all cats like and eat just fish and mice, this is where you are wrong. It may surprise you but some cats do prefer other food like bread, cereals, fruits, meat, potatoes, soup and vegetables for a change.

Whichever the case might be, do keep a lookout for signs that your cat is hungry. Most cats simply approach their owners and meow in pitiful tones. Or they just look up at you while you are eating delicious food.

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Discover more tips on how you can understand and train your cat to behave the way you want here.