UK Mediums
Despite all the tragedy that seems to be going on around the world a great cleansing is taking place. We are living in the age of Aquarius and many more people are turning to UK Mediums looking for answers. UK Mediums are leading the way as they are helping to bridge the connection with the afterlife.
UK Mediums are doing an important job, and they are even getting recognition in some Counties and working as Psychic Medium Detectives for the Police. Uk Mediums are to be found working in a variety of ways, some UK Mediums can be found doing important cleansing work where there is a haunting. UK Mediums can connect with ghosts and sometimes they work with Paranormal Investigators to discover the truth about a haunted place.
One of the top UK Mediums gives an account of an all night vigil in a haunted mansion where she worked alongside Paranormal Investigators to bring insight into the history of the haunted manor.
It was 9pm and the guests had just finished their Psychic Supper and we were gathered in the courtyard. As I started to explain the procedure I suddenly became aware of galloping horses coming towards me in twos. I was nearly knocked off balance and had to regain my posture as the tracker metre was scanned over my body by the Paranormal Investigator. He recorded that the temperature had dropped just around where I was standing. This would indicate that there was a presence and I checked my pendulum and it was swinging very widely indicating a strong presence.

I explained the procedure to the group that there was just one of the Mediums working tonight and that later we would split up into two groups. One group would go with the Paranormal Investigator with the equipment and the other group would go with me. Normally there would be one of the Mediums with each group and the Paranormal Investigators work between the two. I performed a demonstration with my pendulum so that the rest of the group understood the direction that the pendulum would swing for Yes and for No.

As we carried on through the grounds we encountered a burning fire which everyone could see in a field at midnight. An old lady manifested herself on a door and we were able to capture this on camera, and a little boy was running up and down the hallway, there was the sound of sewing machines in the main hall.The most interesting experience was what occurred when we split into our groups for our all night vigils in the bedrooms. I became aware of a lady levitating above the bed and then she started rocking backwards and forwards. Members of the group were putting their hands on the bed to see if they could feel anything. In the next room where the other group held their vigil there was a small crib next to a double bed. When we joined the other group and exchanged our experiences the other group reported that the cradle had been rocking at the exact same time as I saw the lady rocking above the bed.

In all i would recommend hooking up to a medium for ghost hunts or medium phone readings
psychic mediums readings with accuracy and compassion
medium readers can bring comfort and joy

Author's Bio: 

Rachel Reeves works in the psychic and metaphysical industry and offers services Worldwide to advance spiritualism and world awareness, holistic study kits such as EFT, NLP and Reiki are also within her remit. Contact her at
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