If you have come from a poor background or a life of difficulty, you may have come to believe that success comes only to those who have been born with a silver spoon in their mouth.

Pain hardens you

A study at the University of California at Berkeley concluded that the absence of negative experiences actually does not contribute to a better quality of life. Psychologists have further concluded that spoiled children tend to turn into adults who lack persistence to follow their dreams and have difficulty withstanding adversity, setbacks or failures.

Ironically those who have had to struggle through life often become hardened as a result. The negative experiences and challenges they had to face pushed them to develop fully and bring forth strength to withstand difficulties, obstacles and hardship.

The story of Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln, one of the most respected American presidents of all time suffered most of his life. He failed repeatedly throughout life in his attempts to succeed, saw the love of his life pass away, suffered a nervous breakdown and endured hardships as a child. Yet it was these dark moments that hardened him and led him to endure the burden of a whole nation during the American civil war. From the dark moments of his personal tragedies, Lincoln was resilient and drew the strength necessary to withstand pressures others could not.

All things work together for good

If you too have suffered in life, don’t despair. Know that the challenges you have confronted and overcome have made you stronger and resilient. You have learnt to work hard and adapt during periods when it was uncomfortable, painful and difficult. Cheer up! Channelled correctly, your pain and lack in life has the ability to give you a never give-up attitude , something those who go through life too easily don’t posses.

Author's Bio: 

Teppie and Christina are Personal Development writers, bloggers and online coaches. Teppie and Christina founded www.dreambelieveandmanifest.com - a personal development website full of free resources and products for people seeking to improve their lives and to understand themselves and others better.
