As headlines swirl and climates whirl
And Wall Street finds its feetThere’s one refrain that doesn’t change
“Mommy, what’s there to eat?”

Well listen child, I’ll tell you what,
That’s no small query there.Come over here, and sit right down,
In fact, pull up a chair.

Your question, dear one, though you ask,
With all good heart intended,Is fraught with complications that
Aren’t often comprehended.

What we call ‘food’ is not the same
As what our grandmas ate.Would she have had yellow 5 & 6
On her child’s dinner plate?

What about ‘acesulfame potassium’?
Can you pronounce that, love?Did grandmother have a jar of that
In her cupboards up above?

What would she think of all these things
You children eat today?Perhaps she’d bow her gentle head
And just begin to pray…..

But since she is no longer here,
It is up to you and me,To be the ones who will inspire
Her “true food” legacy.

Perhaps as we begin this quest,
We might ‘cut the colors’ first?Or try to avoid things we can’t pronounce?
Tell me, which do you think is worse?

You see, my little one, in our hands,
In our minds and in our hearts,We have the ability to affect remarkable change
So, love, where should we start?

Written by Robyn O’Brien, July 3, 2009

Though your time is precious, I invite you to learn more about the Grandmother Theoryand “true food” in The Unhealthy Truth: How Our Food Is Making Us Sick and What We Can Do About It .

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