Do you ever wonder when you hear about a celebrity divorce or when you’re your next door neighbor… did sexual dysfunction issues have anything to do with the split? While it may not be something that is widely reported or talked about outside of the bedroom or the doctor’s office, sexual dysfunction, lack of sex drive or an unsatisfying sexual life can certainly lead to infidelity and even divorce .

Whether it’s the recent Demi Moore/Ashton Kucher split or your neighbors down the street, who’s to tell if sexual dysfunction played a part? No one knows but for those individuals who are suffering in the bedroom area, there is help available whether through the use of Viagra or therapy – or a combination of the two as a way to address potential erectile dysfunction issues. If a man is unable to sustain an erection a spouse may initially be understanding of the issue but if it goes on for any length of time both partners may come to feelings of anger and resentment and even low self esteem . The husband may blame himself for being unable to sustain his erection and satisfy his partner while the spouse may feel it is somehow her fault that he is unable to and may feel she simply is unable to arouse him.

Sexual activities and intimacy are the cornerstone of a marriage , bringing couples together for both physical relief and comfort. If that is lacking, it can negatively impact all other areas of their lives and lead to guilt, anger and resentment that bubbles over into one of the partners seeking solace outside of the marriage .

If a man is suffering erectile dysfunction or the inability to achieve and maintain an erection to orgasm, he may find it could be a one time event and could be caused by outside life circumstances – work, health or family issues. An occasion of impotency may not be something to worry about but prolonged instances should be discussed with your doctor. He is well trained to work with men suffering this affliction.

Through a combination of Viagra and therapy, a man should be able to find himself on his way back to a sexually satisfying relationship with his partner. Unfortunately, many men find they would rather ignore the issue and hope it resolves itself. In some cases it might, but in others, it is best to speak to a doctor before it negatively impacts your relationship with your spouse.

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