Each one of us faces different experiences everyday that will somehow shape us into a better person, from happiness to struggle. Some people suffer enough that they are lead to believe there is no point in continuing with life. People with this kind of perspective or view in life as somewhat dark are associated as someone who may be suffering from bipolar disorder . Most people who have bipolar conditions know that this will have a major impact in their daily life. This kind of disorder develops in the late adolescence or early adulthood. However, there are also children that have been identified as having it.

Bipolar disorder is the given name to describe a set of 'mood swing' conditions that is felt by a person. The most severe form of it is called 'manic depression '. This disorder may affect both sexes. However, women who have it will usually have more episodes of depression , while men are more prone to begin with manic episodes. Doctors stated that the disorder has no single cause. It has been shown that some people are genetically prone to it. However, not everyone with hereditary liability develops it. We must take note that not only genes cause it. It also believed that external environment and psychological factors are involved in developing the illness.

Bipolar disorder is divided into several types and each has different patterns of symptoms. These include: bipolar I, bipolar II, cyclothymia, rapid cycling, and mixed bipolar. Bipolar I disorder is the more severe disorder. People with type I experience longer 'highs' and have psychotic experiences while those who are suffering from bipolar II disorder have less severe symptoms. They experience episodes that only last hours or few days and the severity of the 'highs' does not lead to hospitalization. Cyclothymia is a mild form of the disorder. Those who have cyclothymia tend to have more mild symptoms than with full-blown bipolar disorder . About 10% of people with bipolar illness have rapid cycling. In rapid cycling, four or more episodes of depression in a year occur. In most forms of bipolar conditions, moods vary between elevated and depressed but with mixed bipolar disorder , a person experiences both mania and depression simultaneously.

Each type of bipolar disorder may affect different people differently. The symptoms vary in pattern and severity. The disorder was commonly referred to as a part of depression but experts recommend that there are significant differences between depression and bipolar symptoms. Symptoms of bipolar disorder can spoil job and school performance, ruin your relationships with loved ones and disrupt daily life. Although bipolar is treatable, many people do not recognize the symptoms and should know that it tends to worsen without treatment. Thus it is essential to know the symptoms and to have the proper treatment. The first step to lessen bipolar problems is to learn more about the disorder and recognize those are experiencing it. Some doctors recommended that medication can prevent episodes but more varied treatment can be better than medication. Medication alone is not enough to fully control the illness. Bipolar requires long-term treatment because it is a chronic illness.

Study shows that if you are free from stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance, you are less likely to suffer. Most of all, surround yourself with friends that you can turn to, who will help and encourage you. A psychiatrist can also help find a way between the twists and turns that you feel. Suicidal thoughts and behavior are common among people with bipolar disorder. To get rid of these thoughts, first contact a family member or your loved ones and seek help from your doctors. The most effective treatment strategy for bipolar treatment involves a combination of medication, therapy and a lifestyle change. The goal of treatment is to recover from the longer disruptions of life.

Dealing with bipolar disorder isn't easy but to have a successful treatment, you have to make smart choices. If you ignore the illness, it will certainly get worse. Living with untreated bipolar disorder can lead to troubles in relations and career. Anti-depressants do not help people with the disorder in the long term. In fact, they may even trigger rapid cycling between moods. If you feel helpless and hopeless you should remember that you are not alone.

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Jason runs PanicAttackHealer.com. Do not worry when you are feeling mental strain. There are lots of helpful resources available. See more here: sleep panic attacks where you can find information on a range of methods. See: panic attacks while driving .