If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, also called E.D., it is a good idea to see a doctor about your treatment options. While Viagra is one of the most prescribed drugs, you might find that you are able to rectify your E.D. situation without medication. Again, do not attempt any drug or non-drug treatments for a physical problem until you have discussed the situation with your health care professional. That said, there are many effective, non-drug approaches to erectile dysfunction. Fortunately, most of them cost nothing, and are quite easy to implement.

What some professionals call “the big three” non-drug treatments for E.D. are actually common sense tactics for fighting a wide array of medical maladies. The big three are exercise , stress reduction, and smoking cessation. As opposed to using a drug like Viagra, these three ways of treating erectile dysfunction are essentially healthy approaches to life in general.

Quitting smoking can lead to all kinds of positive health effects, not the least of which is, for men, the elimination of E.D. Nicotine and other chemicals in cigarettes act as blood-flow restrictors. Anything that limits vascular flow can contribute to impotence. In fact, Viagra acts to increase blood circulation as one of its main actions. A listing of all the ways smoking exacerbates E.D. is outside the scope of this short article, but it is enough to say that cigarettes and sexual health do not travel together.

Exercising on a regular basis is another way to improve vascular health in men, and thus one more way to eradicate erectile dysfunction. Viagra is a drug that is very effective in treating E.D. Exercise also stimulates the production of endorphins in the human brain, which leads to a happier, healthier attitude toward life. People who exercise regularly do not get depressed as often as those who do. Depression and E.D. have been known to coexist in many men, in a sort of self-fulfilling cycle. Overall, men who exercise several times each week have a lower incidence of E.D. than men who are sedentary.

Reducing stress is perhaps the most important thing a man can do to avoid impotence. Stress, whether from a job or from a tense lifestyle, is one of many factors that can lead to vascular constriction, headaches, and a variety of other health problems, many of which contribute to E.D.

If you are a man who wants to avoid the problems associated with E.D., talk to your doctor, and consider making exercise and stress reduction a part of your life. And if you smoke, quit.

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