Do you wake up in the morning, look out and just the sights of the gloomy weather make your blood boil? Do you get angry with your colleagues when they make funny jokes about you or disagree with you? When things donít happen your way, does it infuriate you? Are you always feeling unhappy and donít face each day with a smile? Chances are that you are a person with anger disorder. Studies concluded recently show that the majority of patients who suffer from anger disorder are individuals below the age of 25. Although one may rarely admit that he or she has an anger disorder, this condition is something familiar in a majority of people.

Individuals with anger disorder get angry even for the slightest issue. There can be many reasons for a person to have anger disorder. Many individuals have gone through rough times in their lives such as a loss of a spouse, a family member, or even a good job that you loved. Getting over such difficult times is sometimes difficult for people who like being stuck in the past. Individuals who have gone through a rape ordeal are most likely to have anger disorder as the slightest thing could remind them of that ordeal and make them angry.

Bygones are bygones, yet some people tend to forget that and live in the past. Some individuals and even doctors donít publicly talk about anger disorder, as they are not sure if the treatments will actually cure a person from their anger disorder. Although there are different treatment methods to cure anger disorder, only a few actually work. Psychotherapy is one way that anger disorder can be treated. Patients who undergo psychotherapy are basically asked to find the root causes of their anger.

Anger disorder sometimes occurs as a result of the serotonin level decreasing in the frontal parts of oneís brain. Therefore doctors usually prescribe antidepressant drugs such as the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

Lack of research results in many doctors misdiagnosing patients with anger disorder and thus prescribe medications for psychiatric illnesses. The earlier it is detected, the better, as many teens cured from anger disorder can lead a better, peaceful life in their middle ages, free from any psychiatric illness.

Not diagnosing anger disorder earlier in life can be a hazard as an angry person can disturb and have a negative effect on other people. Proper medications, counseling, etc will somewhat cure such cases.

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Author's Bio: 

I am a Mother. I cook, clean, wipe noses, push Benadryl, check for nits, help with homework, and iron tiny polo shirts. I used to have a real job with a degree framed on my office wall, but I gave it up for this glamour.