Facial massage is widely able to improve the face condition and especially its complexion. During the procedure, blood circulation stabilizes, and the lymph outflow and flow improve. The procedure itself helps to increase the skin turgor, restores youth and beauty of it.

There are lots of benefits stand behind the facial massage . Firstly it prevents the appearance of wrinkles, as well as increases the production of collagen and elastin.Secondly, it relaxes the muscles of the face and activates blood circulation, which helps cosmetic products to quickly overcome the upper layer of the skin.
Thirdly improves skin complexion and reduce puffiness.

Caring out this procedure take into account the anatomical structure of the facial muscles. During the procedure, the direction of the movements is very important. Often they must go along the path of the arrangement of the muscle tissue, along with the so-called massage lines. The movement against such lines is fraught with the collection of the skin in the folds, and can even contribute to the appearance of new wrinkles while stroking with excessive pressure. These same actions can lead to omission of the skin, which is most typical for the nasolabial triangle, corners of the mouth and upper eyelid zone.
It is worth mentioning the indications for facial massage of each age group of people.Young people under the age of 27 years. The main reason for the facial massage at this age is acne, which is in the stage of compensation or subcompensation, as well as oily porous skin.At the age of 28 to 35-40 years, the natural processes of formation of fibroblasts and moisture-forming elements of the skin are usually slowed down and to compensate this facial massage can be applied. After 35-40 years (less often after 45 years). The signs of aging of the face, neck and décolletage zone are most active (skin tone and muscle turgor tones decrease, first small and deep wrinkles appear, as well as additional skin folds in the neck and upper eyelids). This is a direct indication for cosmetic procedures, which are based on the massage.
Regardless of the age category, facial massage is actual in the presence of a second chin, which is due to an overabundance of subcutaneous fat or due to hypotension, as well as in the case of dehydrated skin. Naturally, for each individual case, specific facial massage tools and technics are applied.

Author's Bio: 

I'm Meagan Aylmer a former journalist and now I'm trying to develop myself as a content manager. I have no experience in writing some blog posts or smth exactly kinda that, but I'm learning a lot every day. So that I hope my articles would be interesting and useful for other users. I'm interested in studying different fields.