Tranquilizers are the most effective drugs for treating anxiety disorders and also all kinds of tension related diseases. Tranquilizers reduce the tension and make one's mind calm removing all kinds of tension and fear. Tranquilizers give its users sound sleep and if the dosage of the tranquilizers are applied on the users at a much higher level, the drowsiness caused by its consumption may prevail even after the sleep is over. Tranquilizers are effective for treating patients suffering from fear, psychosis and anxiety neurosis.

The use of tranquilizersTranquilizers are generally taken by mouth. Other than oral medications these medicines can also be applied on the patient through intravenous use.

The functioning of tranquilizers
Tranquilizers are the kinds of substances which affect the body and mind of a person by depressing the central nervous system (CNS) of the person. The depression of the central nervous system (CNS) causes mental calmness, reduction of tension, drowsiness, calmness and also relaxed behavior .

Sleepiness of the person who is taking these tranquilizers may increase if the dosage of the tranquilizers gets increased and the person who is using these tranquilizers may start to show symptoms like staggering body movement and also abnormality in speech. The body of the person who is taking the tranquilizers also shows uncertain and slow reflexes. Anybody who is taking these drugs for a long period may lose his or her power of judgment. There are also other terms by which tranquilizers are denoted. These include soporifics, sleeping pills, downers, depressants, anxiolytics and also sedative-hypnotics.

Tranquilizers can also be applied on patients for getting an over-calming effect. When tranquilizers are used at a rather high rate it may cause loss of consciousness. Tranquilizers can also lead a person to death if a person consumes too much tranquilizers.

Types of tranquilizers

There are 2 kinds of tranquilizers: the major tranquilizers and the minor tranquilizers. Tranquilizers of both groups almost all play the same function. Major tranquilizers include piperidine compounds, piperazine compounds, butyrophenones, thioxanthenes, indoles and also
phenothiazines. The trade names of these tranquilizers include Throzaine, Haldol, Risperdal and Clozaril. Major tranquilizers are also often referred to as Neuroleptics and these are most often prescribed for curing patients suffering from fear psychosis and anxiety neurosis. Tranquilizers are also very often abused but the use of major tranquilizers are not very known to the people. It prevents the abuse of these drugs.

Tranquilizers generally in use mainly include minor tranquilizers. Minor tranquilizers include drugs like benzodiazepines. These famous drugs for treating anxiety disorders are also known in many trade names. The trade names of benzodiazepines include Valium , Tranxene, Librium, Klonopin, Ativan, Serax and Xanax . Some combination drugs are also found in the market for treating anxiety disorder. One of these combination drugs is Librax. The commonly used tranquilizers also have their slang references which include Vees, Benzos, Tranks and also Libs.

Withdrawal of tranquilizers

Withdrawal process of some of the tranquilizers is very painful. Patients who are in the withdrawal process may experience uncomfortable physical situations.

For more information on tranquilizers visit the following links:

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