So you managed to recruit a few new members to your network. Congratulations! What is the next step? Well, rather than briefing them about the products, my philosophy is to treat them like they are your close friends. Sure, you can give them training in MLM too, but while you are at it, be sure to maintain a good relationship with them. In this article, I will be explaining why you should do so, and by the end, you should have a better understanding of how and why your downlines will be the main reason for success (or the lack of it) in your network marketing business.

As a sponsor, you want your downlines to be independent, reliable and self-sufficient. Yes, you can brief them about the company’s products and services. However, this is where you start getting to know them personally. Network marketing is a team effort, so you want to make sure that the people you recruited are serious about building the network with you. Bring them for training in MLM and teach them the methods and strategies to build their own successful network. The idea is to train them until they are totally independent, reliable and self-sufficient, like I mentioned earlier, that you know how to build their networks on their own. Once that is in place, your business can pretty much run on autopilot.

After some time, you will also want to maintain your relationship with your downlines, be it the more senior ones or the newcomers. Follow up with them. Help them if they need, because it is also your responsibility to do so. Motivate them and point them to their goals when they need a reminder or when they feel lost. Be sure to celebrate with your downlines when they have achieved something, be it big or small. It makes them feel important and appreciated.

An ideal circumstance is when all of your downlines are capable of taking care of themselves. That may not always be the case, which is why you need to follow up with all your downlines. However, you should also find time to recruit new members. This is not really necessary because I personally believe that it is more important to improve what you already have, but when you do manage to recruit new members, be sure to rinse and repeat the above processes on them., starting with giving them training in MLM.

Every single one of your downlines are important, so do not neglect them. I hope you have a better understanding of why you should maintain a good relationship with your downlines. As soon as someone joins your network, give him or her training in MLM. You can talk about the company’s products later. 

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Do you want to get more training in MLM ? I highly recommend a resource found on where you get to learn how you can leverage on the internet to help you succeed in network marketing! Check it out for more training in MLM today!