I really do love to walk, because you can walk anytime, anywhere, and it’s FREE—my favorite four-letter word. There is nothing that clears and works my mind and body more than an invigorating power walk at the beach in Santa Monica pumping my pink 2 pound dumbbells. Did you know that walking is the #1 most popular exercise in America? According to Prevention Magazine, 1 in 4 Americans use walking as their primary mode of exercise . Here are 7 simple steps to help you walk off your weight and have fun too. You’ll be stepping stronger, and connecting your mind, body, and spirit too.

    Get Inspired! Find one or a few awe inspiring walking routes, which will help motivate and inspire you.
    Recruit a Walking Buddy. Find a friend to walk with to give you support and motivation when you are feeling weak.
    Calendar Your Walking Times. Accountability is key to establishing any new behavior . Make a plan. Write your walking times on your monthly planner,www.google.com/calendar.
    Add Upper Body Resistance. Holding a pair of 2 pound dumbbells will create upper body resistance, and sculpt your chest, back, shoulders, and arms. Plus, studies show power walking briskly with 2 pound dumbbells may increase your calorie burn by up to 40%!
    Wear the Right Gear. Wear sunscreen and sun protective clothing, especially a broad brimmed hat. Excessive sun exposure causes cancer along with prematurely ageing your skin. Check out Solumbra for great sun protective, active wear www.sunprecautions.com . Wear proper reflective clothing if you are walking early in the morning or evening when it dark outside.
    Add Incline. Find a set of stairs or climb a hill. Incline ups your heart rate, which in turn ups your calorie burn—both during, and after you are walking. It’s also a great way to tone your tush, and help you build a better butt.
    Break Up Your Workout with Resistance Stations. Resistance training builds lean tissue to create a sculpted physique, and helps your body burn more calories per day. Try 12 reps each of push-ups to side plank hold on a park bench, tricep dips on a park bench, lunges, and side lunges. Carry a green SPRI resistance tube www.lindalarue.com/store_linda.html then, loop it around a tree for some standing rowing and horizontal core wood chops. With a resistance tube you’re your training move possibilities are infinite.

For a great green weight loss diet and exercise plan, order my SOUPer Slim Diet ebook, www.LindaLaRue.com/store_souper.html , and join my FREE digital Make Healthy A Lifestyle magazine at www.LindaLaRue.com

Author's Bio: 

Intent.com Intent.com is a premier wellness site and supportive social network where like-minded individuals can connect and support each others' intentions. Founded by Deepak Chopra's daughter Mallika Chopra, Intent.com aims to be the most trusted and comprehensive wellness destination featuring a supportive community of members, blogs from top wellness experts and curated online content relating to Personal, Social, Global and Spiritual wellness.