In the circle of music fans of various stripes, we very often hear the word "vinyl". And for good reason – the old, archaic, large-sized, fast-wearing media is still alive. After all, the criterion for assessing the sound quality of audiophiles and music lovers is different. Some enjoy an impartial and surgically clean “number”, while others enjoy immense pleasure from listening to old, creaking and clicking vinyl records.

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Good old vinyl

Music is a great thing. How many years it already exists, how many changes it has endured and how many playback devices have changed. Surely, in the heart of every avid music lover, a special place is reserved for a very long-standing invention – snazzy vinyl records that fall perfectly on gramophones. Recently, they are practically gaining new life.

The world of music still can to impress with its diversity and versatility. There are a huge number of genres, which, in turn, are divided into dozens of subgenres and styles. In the metal alone, there are about 20 main areas, not counting their various branches. I will tell you about those who are ideally to begin expanding their musical horizons.

Country music

Nothing sounds better on the player than country music. Even those who are not enthusiastic about this genre capitulate at the first crackling sounds of a record with songs of country music. Since the music came out of the layers of the common people, it is performed on all available instruments, such as the banjo, violin, and acoustic guitar. If while playing a song you hear the sound of these instruments - most likely you hear country music. If all these instruments start to sound at the same time - there is no doubt, this is country music!

Pop music

The main features of this direction as a mass culture are simplicity, melodiousness, vocals and rhythm and less attention to the instrumental part. The main and only form of composition in pop music is a song. The direction includes such subgenres as Europop, Latina, Disco, dance music, synthpop, and others.

Michael Jackson - Thriller is the best selling album for the whole musical history! We don’t even know if any other artist will succeed in surpassing this achievement of the King of Pop.

Electonic music

Today, electronic music is recorded and played on modern media. Flash drives, DJ consoles, memory cards, and other uncomfortable glands. But the opportunity to enjoy high-quality sound is! Because the band Massive Attack once released the vinyl album "Blue Lines".

Grunge music

Grunge is a musical style that appeared in Seattle in the late 1980s and was celebrated by bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden and some others.

The basis of grunge is composed of powerful guitar riffs, a frantic rhythm and vocalist’s heart-rending cries into the microphone. A classic example of grunge is the hit “Smells Like Teen Spirit” of the same “Nirvana”.

Rock and alternative, jazz and blues are also perfect. Vinyl today is a philosophy, a collectible, a choice of independent music lovers and just a musical carrier with its own features, advantages, and disadvantages.

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Success Coach, Business Development Consultant, Strategist,Blogger, Traveller, Motivational Writer & Speaker