In the whole world, 24% of the population are suffering from diabetes. According to World Health Organisation(WHO), its percentage may go as high as 40-45% in 2020. So, there is intense need to know the graveness of the disease and also to understand the best possible ways to prevent this disorder. People from all over the world are curious to know about this disease. First of all, it is very important to know that this disease does not originate suddenly. Its patho-physiology takes long time generally 3-5 years except in the cases like- pregnancy , injury, infection disorders, surgery etc.
Diabetes is described in a group of metabolic disorders in which there is high sugar in blood either due to inadequate insulin production or because of the inability of body's cells to produce insulin or both the conditions. When our food is digested, the glucose makes its way into our bloodstream. Glucose is used by the cells for energy and growth. Insulin is a hormone secreted by pancreas. After eating, pancreas automatically secretes adequate quantity of insulin to move the glucose present in the blood into the cells, as soon as glucose enters the cells, blood-glucose levels drop. A person suffering from diabetes has adequate quantity of glucose in the blood (hyperglycemia) because the body is not able to produce enough levels of insulin hormone. This excess glucose passes out of the body through urine and the cells does not get their essential energy and requirements.
Types of Diabetes:
- Type 1 Diabetes: In this condition, body does not produce insulin. 10% population in the world is suffering from Type 1 diabetes.
- Type 2 Diabetes: In this condition, body does not produce enough insulin required for the proper functioning of the system. 90% of all cases of diabetes worldwide are of this type.
- Gestational Diabetes: This type affects females during pregnancy .
Type 1 Diabetesis difficult to manage as the body does not produce insulin. People usually develop Type 1 diabetes before their 40th year. It affects young children.
In type 2 diabetes, body does not produce enough insulin. Type 2 diabetes can be treated with strict eating habits and regular exercise . People can control Type 2 diabetes by exercising daily and by the consumption of various sugar reducing foods. It is a typically progressing disease.
Gestational diabetesis diagnosed during pregnancy in females. The majority of the cases of gestational diabetes can be controlled by exercise and by making changes in the diet but if left undiagnosed leads to various complications.
Diabetes according to Ayurveda :
Unfortunately, India has become the "Diabetic Capital" because of the increasing number of patients suffering from Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is known by the name "Madhumeha" in Ayurveda . Ancient Ayurvedic texts grouped diabetes under among the 20 urinary disorders (Prameha); in which the urine of patient is sweet like honey and increased quantitatively as well as astringent, pale and rough in quality.
According to Acharaya Vagbhat, Ojus is the essence of all tissues and the main entity of immunity. It is spread all over the body. It is frothy, sweet, clear, thick, unctuous, heavy, cold and slimy in nature. Due to the imbalanced doshas mainly Kapha and Pitta in association with Vata block the channels related to adipose tissue or fat tissue and muscle. Further, due to obstruction of Vata dosha, it transforms sweet ojas into astringent sweet mixture which tastes like honey. Thus, it discharges with the urine which results in the formation of disease Diabetes.
When fat, muscle, Kapha, fluids of the body enter the urinary apparatus, it results in diabetes.
Ayurvedic treatment includes de-nourishment treatment which is quite useful in obese diabetic patients, nourishing treatment(useful in lean diabetic patients) along with anti- diabetic herbal medicines Stages of illness according to Ayurveda (text Vaidya Saar Sangrah)
There are 10 stages of diabetes in the succeeding order:
- 1. Pricking pain in the urinary bladder
2. Pain during micturition
3. Symptoms of aggravated Vata dosha in the urine.
4. Tissue damage due to multiple dosha involvement.
5. Systemic effect or tissue necrosis
6. Burning sensation
7. Severe urination
8. Dysuria
9. Severe thirst
10. Death
Symptoms of Diabetes:
- Excess sweating
- Excess body odor
- feeling comfort in sleep/bed
- Feeling comfort in inactivity
- vision problems
- coated tongue
- feeling as heart is heavy
- coated teeth, dental caries
- liking for cold foods and season
- sweetness in mouth
- burning sensation in feet and palm
- numbness in hands and feet
- lethargy
- dryness of mouth
- feeling as if ants crawling on the body
- heaviness of body
- urine of the patient attracts ants
Clinical features of Diabetes:
- Excess urine
- urine similar to honey
- dryness of the body
- turbid urine
- emaciation
- bad body odor
What are the causes of diabetes?
- Sedentary lifestyle(lack of physical exercise and activities)
- Excess sleeping
- Hereditary
- Stress/ Grief /Fear
- Excessive consumption of flesh or meat or soup of animals
- Excessive consumption of carbonated beverages which contain large amount of sugar
- Excessive consumption of carbohydrate rich food
- Excessive consumption of sweet substances, heavy food, unwholesome food, repeated food intake
What are the complications of Diabetes?
- Cardiac disorder
- Shivering
- Constipation
- Cough
- Dyspnea
- Body ache
- Stiffness of the body
- Urge to have food
- Loss of sleep
- Vision loss
- Kidney failure
Top 10 super foods to control Blood Sugar Level :
1. Jambul( Eugenia jambolana) :This fruit has a specific action on pancreas. The fruit as well as seeds are useful in the treatment of diabetes. The seeds contain an alkaloid jamoline which controls the excessive conversion of starch into sugar.
Dry the seeds and make powder. Take 3 grams of this powder twice daily with water.
2.Bitter gourd ( Momordica charantia ):The fruit of this plant contains most active blood sugar-lowering components. This active principle is known as charantin. Extract juice of 4-5 bitter gourd and take it on an empty stomach daily in the morning.
3. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum):The decoction of fenugreek seeds suppress the urinary excretion of sugar and helps to relieve the symptoms of diabetes. It contains an alkaloid trigonelline which is very helpful in reducing the blood sugar levels.
4. Turmeric ( Curcuma longa ):Health benefits of turmeric are innumerable. Ayurveda rercommends turmeric for diabetes. Turmeric if taken with Amla powder regularly helps to reduce blood sugar levels.
5. Bael( Aegle marmelos ):This plant is famous for its fruit having anti-inflammatory properties but its leaves are scientifically proven to be anti-diabetic. Drinking fresh juice of bael leaves along with pinch of black pepper regularly helps to eliminate excess sugar from the body.
6. Neem( Azadirachta indica): It is a very common plant which is found easily in all parts of India. Juice extracted from the leaves of neem can be taken internally to reduce blood sugar.
7. Cinnamon: It is beneficial for reducing type 2 diabetes, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. 1-2 grams of cinnamon powder can be added to tea instead of sugar.
8. Ginger: Ginger has anti-diabetic, anti-oxidative and hypolipidemic properties. It can also improve insulin sensitivity. Daily consumption of 1-3 gm of ginger is useful for the patients suffering from Type 2 diabetes.
9. Garlic: It has anti-diabetic and hypolipidemic properties. It also protects against oxidation damage because of the presence of sulphur compounds.
10. Curry leaves: Aromatic curry leaves are useful in managing high blood sugar because of the presence of several minerals. It also influences carbohydrate metabolism and reduces the risk of oxidative stress. Chewing curry leaves empty stomach or use them in soups or salads.
Regular physical exercise improves blood glucose levels and can prevent type 2 diabetes.
Diet : Indian gooseberry, snake gourd, horse gram, bitter gourd, black pepper, vegetables which are bitter in taste, rock salt must be included in diet . Sugarcane juice, dairy products, alcohol, carbohydrate rich food, processed foods, curd, cold drinks, smoking must be avoided.
DR. Vikram Chauhan, MD - AYURVEDA is an expert Ayurvedic practitioner based in Chandigarh, India and doing his practice in Mohali, India. He is spreading the knowledge of Ayurveda Ancient healing treatment, not only in India but also abroad. He is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Products, Planet Ayurveda Clinic and Krishna Herbal Company. For more info visit our webiste: & Download our Android App Planet Aurveda from Google Play Store