The fast development in the implementation of mobile apps recently now has been extraordinary. The aggregate number of apps on the Google Play Store is projected at 2.8 million as at March 2017, just about thrice what was documented in 2013, as per to Statistical data.

Even though this newest trend has been of massive benefit for customers who now have a great collection of apps to select from, it provides massive challenges for developers who need to build the topmost level apps that can vie efficiently in the international market at the low rates.

Do you really want your product to be noticeable from the pack among the innumerable of apps mixed out annually by more than 12 million developers all over the world? Evade the common drawbacks done by most business proprietors.

Here are the top 10 errors to avoid when designing an app for your business.

1. Deteriorating to make adequate product management deliberations

Many lean startup and design are considering are the two most common methodologies for product development these days. However, a major encounter confronted by product executives and developers similar does not know the strategy to use at diverse stages of the product development series. This is perhaps the most vital downside to avoid because other procedures depend on it.

As like, it’s significant to comprehend the dissimilarities and resemblances of these two strategies for app development. Build sprints, a newly developed method offers a flawless unification between lean startup and design discerning.

2. Deteriorating to develop a cross-platform approach

It’s no extended trendy to develop an app for a particular operating system. Developers can now take off their applications at the same time on various platforms in order to influence a bigger audience.

However, the encounter that challenges many iPhone Application development has developers is the choice on which platform to promote their apps. IOS, Android, Windows are the 3 main podiums available to app developers nowadays.

Without having another consideration, developers are typically fast to promote their apps on iOS platforms because they trust it is quite easy to make money with the App Store. They, however, drop to think about the point that Android has a larger international presence than iOS, which can fix a perimeter on the adoption of their apps all over the world.

Consequently, it’s vital to place each deliberation in place before taking a decision on the platform to promote your app.

With existing tools these days, developers can simply write apps utilizing a distinct basis of code that can be organized against various platforms. There are some disadvantages to this, on the other hand, it is a perfect beginning if you’re looking to check the market.

3. Deteriorating to develop an appropriate valuing strategy

It’s imperative that you develop a valuing strategy most appropriate for the app you are developing as soon as possible. This would, amid other vital things; save you from illogically choosing for any valuing strategy when you’re all set to unveil your app.

Typically you’ll have to opt for between implementing either a subscription prototypical (where only subscribers can access the app) or a top model (whereby certain features of the app are spontaneously accessible to all). Consuming good time to learn the valuing strategies assumed by app developers creating alike apps as yours will be obliging in this respect.

4. Deteriorating to accept a marketing strategy

There are at the present more than 2.8 million apps on the Google Play store on your own all challenging to be the “user’s preferred app.” The achievement of your app in the marketplace, particularly in the app store, highly relies on the marketing strategy you’ve set in place throughout the app development practice.

Don’t delay till the app is set to be propelled before determining how you’ll perform your marketing, as you’ll almost certainly submit to the weight of only “getting it out there.” Decide early on your target market and how you intend to reach them.

Do you intend to sell to a small crowd of people in your zone or do you wish your app to break and enter the international market? Have you led a participating market research where you’ve comprehended your prospective consumer’s “aching points” and combined the essential features into your app to talk them?

These are some of the deliberations that must be in place when developing a marketing approach for your app.

5. Deteriorating to find beta testers for your app

However, if you’re a mastermind in app development, it’s imperative that you don’t take on the assignment of beta testing your app yourself.

It’s recommended you hire the services of the beta free sample that would not only assist you in determining bugs but will also assist in creating your app user-friendly. As an app developer, it would be tough to learn concealed bugs, particularly those that don’t appear to first touch the functionality of your app.

Furthermore, although directing your market research you may still not be able to accurately fix the features that would build your app attract to consumers. Professional beta testers would always assist you to avoid these drawbacks.

6. Deteriorating to assimilate the designer’s and developer’s preferences

Designers and developers are over and over again at probabilities throughout the app development process thus of the dissimilar parts they have to play. Designs built by the designer would have to be executed by the developer.

It’s suggested that the designer provides scope for the developer to bring changes to the preliminary design in order to increase the app’s functionality.

Designers must not be obstinate in retaining their designs even when developers think it fit to make changes in order to optimize the app’s functionality. However, developers should also not an emphasis on functionality at the expenditure of a comprehensible design.

This, as a result, calls for both parties to be incorporated in the decision making procedure throughout the app development.

7. Deteriorating to have a real-world budget for the app development process

However, for small and medium startups, app development encompasses substantial commercial investment. It’s imperative to have a right budget in place that involves every feature of the app development process.

This would need an exhaustive knowledge of every feature of the production cycle and make sure that the resources allotted would be adequate to include the project’s overall cost.

The letdown to have a budget in a right platform that can lead to delay in the execution of a major feature of the app production procedure.

You must hence make sure that your budget does not in any way undervalue the resources required to do the project.

8. Wanting to take off your app with all features in place

You cannot have a flawless app on your main announcement. You should thus overcome the enticement of wanting to assimilate each little feature before adopting it to the market.

The app world is quite unstable; by itself, a first goer benefit is vital to achieving a position in the market. However, you should not unveil your app without setting major problems that can touch its functionality; you also shouldn’t delay unless each feature is in space before disclosing to the market.

Furthermore, including all new features to your app after its new release can always assist towards enhancing its user scores.

9. Lack of constant developers

Although you can’t every time avoid having to alter developers during the app development process by iOS App development company , it’s highly recommended that you just attempt as much as possible to maintain your team of developers, particularly your best pointers.

Even, altering developers often can make your code more difficult and ultimately postpone the release of your app. Make sure that you can take your time to get in professional developers who are also prepared to stay with your team until the finishing point of the project.

10. Cutting Corners

Always make sure that you don’t even compromise on functionality while developing your app in order to diminish the price of development. An app that drops to hit the mark to the functionality and make assured will not achieve extensive recognition in the market.

Consumers want value for their money and will not retreat from rating your app off-color if it doesn’t come across to their prospects.

The high demand for iOS apps has augmented exceptionally. Fortunately, there is no lack of resource. Persons and firms incorporated in the iOS mobile application development area are making their top determination to deal with the obligation.

The proposal of apps has amplified amazingly from 32 apps/day in 2008 (entrance year) to 1816 apps/day in 2015. Although, the app refusal rate at the App Store is extremely high. Only half of the succumbed apps get permission from its appraisal team.

The stringent strategies of the App Store hit the subnormal or low-quality apps in the attention of users.Therefore, an iOS app development firm needs to progress its performances and provide good quality apps to allow users to originate the most from the technology but with the slightest exertion.

This article is composed with an objective to provide a clear leadership to iOS app developers about what works and what not.

Moreover, to obtain a fast support, we just expect this will also assist them to save their valuable time and energy as well.

Troubleshoot Cracks and Bugs

It's the responsibility of the developer and the analysis team to make sure those standard performances have been followed in the iOS mobile application development, and the app is absolutely free from all types of cracks and bugs.

Users should have a mechanism on the app, direct from installation and uninstallation to update, upgrade, and practice. The App Store doesn't like non-public APIs in an app created. Nor does it let submission of a sample, experimental or test account. Beta Apps might only be submitted with the help of TestFlight.

Fix Broken Links

Don't build your app the house of broken links. However, if, your app builds way with the test, it won't be able to last elongated in the store as customers will overflow the store with adverse reviews forcing the store to get it detached.

No to Place-holder Content

Don't even think the App Store documentation and user-adoption of the app, if you can't check on dummy content. Thus, need to make sure that iPhone or iPad users are not overwhelmed by your offhand iOS app development strategy.

Provide Proper Documentation

Allow the App Store and the user to understand what the app is all about. Provide all appropriate information about the tools applied, app usage, support, vendor contact and other crucial information while creating your approach to the App Store.

Provide the Right Image

Include an easy-to-understand depiction and excellent quality screenshots to get your target audience know about the app and its functionality. Although performing so make sure you are authentic and representing the correct image of your product.

Allow an Easy User Interface

Don't allow it to the user to scrutinize your app and show you the error. Provide them the right UI (user interface) so that they can easily communicate with the app and find the proper information and services.

Balanced Advertisements

The ad is fine but not at the rate of a user's experience. Make use of the right size and type of ampule for the ad content to be positioned so that the real meaning of the app doesn't get weakened.

Cease Aiding Inappropriate Content

The App Store accepts a zero acceptance policy against inappropriate app content, comprising sexually abusive content, content exploding logic of revulsion or mutual difference, showing ferocity, etc. The App Store is also specific about the user's privacy. It drops apps asking for the user's particular information, such as email address and date of birth to perform. However, Apps intended for children drop in the exception list, they might ask for the user's date of birth to fulfill with laws overriding the children's privacy.

Don't Hoax Users Divulging Location

Apps that don't ask for the user's consent rather than gathering, conveying or making use of location data face dismissal. Utilizing location-based APIs for involuntary or self-directed control of vehicles, aircraft, or other devices is also a defilement of its positions.

Final Words

Spamming here is a crime. An iOS developer or iOS mobile application development firm should not upload numerous versions of an app on the store. These apps do not face any refusal, however might also lead to the end of the developer's version from the iOS Developer Program.

Author's Bio: 

Manan Ghadawala founded 21Twelve Interactive, one of the leading mobile app development company in India, USA. His visionary leadership and flamboyant management style have yield fruitful results for the company. He believes in sharing his strong knowledge base with a leaned concentration on entrepreneurship and business.