When you say, "Today I will…", can you feel the promise and possibility in these words?

There is an openness to them. A chance to start anew. An opportunity to fine-tune the way you are doing things or to do more of what is working well in your life.

These words can offer insights, creativity, promise, hope, excitement, love, peace , understanding, compassion, forgiveness, friendship, prosperity , and a second chance.

When you begin your day with affirmations of intentions and positivity, it is a reminder that you are responsible for upholding and seeing them through the best you can.

These phrases can transform stressful, problematic, and worrisome days, into ones of peace , ease, and promise.

As you well know, unexpected happenings can occur at any time during the day. Some will be awesome and others less than desirable, to say the least.

You just never know how things are going to unfold throughout your day, but what you do know is, "Today I will…".

The greatest part about these three words is they begin your day in a positive way!

They can pertain to specific goals, ways you would like to be or improve, or how you would like your day to be, or all encompassing.

You have a blank page where you can create what you would like to see occur. A reminder of how you can be the best you can be.

More importantly than saying the words is actually following through with them.

Don't beat yourself up if you fall short on some or all of them. See them as a learning experience, and what you can do differently to help you to grow.

Notice why, or what, is holding you back from what you are intending and then begin again.

"Today I will…"

I will put a sign on the door, "Gone Fishing".
I will be best I can be in every situation.
I will move through one problem at a time, and imagine and work towards possibilities.
I will spend more time understanding myself and others.I will be forgiving of myself and others.
I will spend time outdoors admiring and connecting with nature.
I will write down the things I am grateful for.I will breathe deeply often.I will be calm, gentle, and kind in my words and actions.
I will take time to connect with God, (what you understand this to be).
I will slow down and look around me, and not race through my day.
I will make time for me to relax, be still, and listen.
I will be happy and smile often.
I will adjust my attitude when needed to one of love towards what is occurring.
I will see light where I see darkness.
I will love openly, honestly, and unconditionally.
I will be supportive of myself and others.
I will be patient.I will not worry and trust that all will be as it needs to be.
I will help another however I can.
I will agree to disagree.
I will let go of past resentments, grievances, and misgivings.
I will hug someone.
I will laugh and/or play.
I will talk less and listen more.
I will open my eyes and ears to the beauty in the world.I will not blame, complain, or justify.I will take care of myself.
I will exercise , eat healthy, and drink lots of water.
I will try to understand another rather than judge him/her.
I will love and be grateful for the work I have and do it to the best of my abilities.

As you can see, the list can go on and on of what your intentions can be for your day. What's important is not the quantity, but the quality and meaning of them for you.

They can pertain to just about anything. The purpose of saying these three words is to help you grow to be a better person and to remind you of what is truly important.

The easiest way to create meaningful positive phrases is to sit quietly at the end of the day and notice where you still need a fine-tuning.

Where do you feel you are struggling? What is creating added stress or anxiety in your day?

How can you respond to yourself, others, and situations in a more positive, peaceful, kind, forgiving, and loving way?

What are some things you would like to do and aren't making time to do?

At the end of the day, what really matters to you?

The areas, and/or people in your life where you feel negativity, or stuck, or that you are not living up to your full potential, are great indications of places to set your intentions.

They are opportunities for you to move forward in love and to expand "who" you truly are.

Then begin writing down "Today I will…"

You can repeat the same intentions everyday or write new ones in regards to the day you just had.

Revise your phrases as you continue to grow.

Remember, you are learning as you go; be patient, and willing to work towards being a better you.

Use these techniques to assist you in making the most of your days and being the best you can be.

Author's Bio: 

Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator, and Personal Coach of The Insight Technique™.

To learn more about minimizing the stress and anxiety in your life, and maximizing your happiness, peace and possibilities, visit http://www.TheInsightTechnique.com