When the acid produced in the stomach rises up the esophagus, it leads to disturbing conditions like burning chest pain. This burning chest pain is what we refer to as heartburn. This is actually the major symptom of Acid Reflux. Mark you, if these symptoms persist for more two times in a single week, you should know that you have the Acid Reflux disease. The condition can also be referred to as Gastroesophageal (GERD). This condition can keep you awake if you don't have the right mattress for yourself.

When you develop frequent backaches during your night sleep, you definitely consider buying a new mattress or get a mattress topper for back pain to boost the firmness. What about when you are experiencing frequent heartburns that deny you sleep comfort? Worry no more, I have compiled a list of tips to consider for a better night sleep regardless of the frequent Acid Reflux.

How to Minimize Night Acid Reflux for a Better Sleep

It looks like good news is your portion today. It's time to kick out the reflux out of your life once and for all. The most effective way to deal with insomnia s by addressing the reflux first. Below are the tips to go about it.

Get a New Mattress

GERD patients are advised to get new mattresses for themselves. It does not only add comfort to your night sleep but also ensure that your sleeping posture perfectly accommodated. A new mattress with the right qualities is bound to enhancing your night sleep with perfect body alignment and sleeping posture to ensure Acid reflux does not disturb your sweet sleep.

Eat a Light Meal

Taking heavy meals are known to cause severe heartburns. Avoid foods and drinks like Alcohol, spices, and drinks with caffeine can cause reflux during your night sleep. It is recommended that you take light meals to avoid heartburns.

Consider Taking your Dinner 2 to 4 hour Before Bedtime

This helps give the stomach time to digest the food before bedtime

Avoid Sleeping on your Back and Stomach

Research shows that these two sleeping positions promote the backflow of stomach acid leading to frequent heartburns during your night sleep. Consider sleeping on your sides to avoid the backflow.

Consider Wearing Extra Comfy Night Clothes

Clothes with tight waistbands and snugly clothes can cause backflow of stomach acid. It will be wise of you if you avoid such clothes during your bedtime.

Consider Using Extra Pillows

Extra pillows are purposely recommended for their ability to elevate your head and shoulders. This raised head and shoulder posture promotes gravitation force that keeps the stomach acid from flowing back. Wedge pillows can also work well for you.

So there you have the tips. Don't let Acid Reflux to mess-up your night sleep any bit. With the few tips, and lifestyle switching can help you kick out this nighttime discomfort caused by Acid Reflux. Its high time you meant your night sleep and revive the lost sleep comfort.

Author's Bio: 

I am Carrillo Amanda. I am a strong woman who believes in herself and what she does. I am an idea-oriented individual who loves to share my best ideas with the world and hear from everyone around me as well. You can for visiting my blog . Here's great place to write something specific that you want your visitors to read!