Here are several things that you can easily do to begin feeling happier each day. You will be as happy as you decide to be. In deciding to do nothing, that is exactly what you will accomplish — NOTHING. Your life is, and always will be, a reflection of what you are holding in mind.

Involving yourself in positive activity will allow you to continuously feel happier.

1) Make a decision to experience happiness at all times by having a positive intention for everything you do. Enjoyment is only possible if we are in higher energy. Life is a decision! Enjoy everything! You are the boss!

2) Decide to have a good attitude . This is also a decision.

3) Develop an attitude of gratitude . Be grateful for all of the good things that you experience. Rewards yourself and others in generous ways. Make it a point to jot down your gains on a daily basis. Say “Thank you!” as this feels wonderful.

4) Look for goodness in every situation. See everything as perfect. By deciding, you can shift your perception and see that you are the creator of everything that you experience.

5) Love yourself by giving yourself love and approval on a regular basis.

6) Try new things. By trying new things will help you to move out of your comfort zone. If we always do, that which we have always done, we will continue to experience the same results. Challenge yourself positively!

7) How we do anything, is how we do everything! Do things that make you feel good! Whatever you are doing, do it well!

8) Practice laughing often. Laughter is a fun and healthy way to instantly feel joy.

9) Hold in mind that you are always safe. Throughout the day remind yourself that you are safe. If you are feeling insecure or uncertain about something, it is a good idea to see this feeling as something that is trying to get your attention.

10) Let go of wanting to be right. In letting go of wanting to be right, we are also letting go of holding onto being stuck or wanting to change something.

11) Keep up your momentum by continuing to practice being positive on a regular basis. The more we practice positive thinking , the better we can discriminate. When you get to a good place, ask yourself, “Could it get any better?” Keep going!

12) Share with others is being selfless. There is so much we can share with one another. We can share love, time, energy, compliments, generosities, assistance and so much more.

Each and every time we are positive, we are creating better outcomes for ourselves. We are helping ourselves to develop better self-esteem . Your health, confidence, relationships, and other areas of your life will continue to improve. The investment you are making in yourself comes with amazing benefits – it is called being happy with no sorrow.

Author's Bio: 

Larry Crane has been teaching The Release® Technique to executives of Fortune 500 companies for years. He has personally trained businessmen, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, sales people, managers and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives.

The Release Technique has been taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide.

The Abundance Course IS the Release Technique, the original Release Technique Method as taught by Lester Levenson.