Getting a corporate elearning program designed and implemented for your company is not a simple task. Firstly the learning and development executive will examine the requirements of every department and every employee in the case of custom learning. Next comes content curation, in which a manager needs to search the internet and other resources to look for content suitable for employees. Further, when it comes to designing, the first framework of corporate instructional design or storyboarding is outlined out by a learning professional. Then there is a need to find the learning management software to deliver and schedule the training program for every employee easily.

Unfortunately, the job is not complete yet. What about the evaluation of elearning programs? You may have formed the best training program,but it would not be functional if it does not deliver the desired results. How do you know whether it has failed or succeeded? Evaluation is the end game that plays an essential part in a corporate training program. Through this article, we will provide you with some methods to evaluate your corporate training program.

Focus Team
You may choose some employees who are best at examining things. Confer them a pilot test before launching your elearning course for the rest of the staff members. Ask them for feedback,or it might be better if you plan a set of questions for them. For instance, what are the drawbacks they realise in the elearning course? Will the elearning program influence job performance, and can the learning be applied in real life? As a result, this method of evaluation will make you sure to correct the errors in corporate instructional design before introducing it to other employees.

Online ForumsAs your employees are involved in the training program, it is the best way to understand program mistakes or negative aspects from them. You can create an online forum in which your employees can discuss ideas to enhance your elearning programs. The feedback you obtain will be invaluable for you. You must include a moderator in the online forum so that they can get the discussion back on track when it veers off topic.

Assessments are valid tests that will make clear whether employees are learning or not. It should involve multiple choice questions or true-false type questions so that it should be easy for employees. Your assessments should be designed in the way to collect maximum measurable data. As a result, this data will enlighten you as to what each employee wants to master and what each does exceptionally well. Furthermore, you could also accomplish pre-assessments to assess employees on a class of ‘before and after’ basis.

However, the expertise in creating successful elearning courses depends on selecting the correctcorporate instructional designapproach for corporate training . You need to examine the learning requirements, apprentice profile, and desired learning effects before you can confirm the learner-centred instructional strategy for your corporate elearning training.

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If you are an eLearning designer, you should consider using agile instructional design for your learning initiatives. Unlike the traditional methods of course creation, the agile method offers some significant benefits that will ensure that your results are outstanding yet also efficient. Below, we look at some of the top benefits of the agile design method.

Highly InteractiveAgile instructional design is heavily focused on the learners and how they will interact with the course material. At every step of course development, the needs of the learner and the manner in which they will participate and engage with the course will be taken into consideration. As a result, course developers are able to develop training materials in exactly the way a learner would find it easy to understand. This is one of the reasons why many instructional designers are switching over to agile design. After all, if you can produce high-quality, engaging content using agile, why bother wasting time on other, inefficient instructional design methods?

Rapidly Produce ContentA big challenge faced by most course developers is the time required for developing training material. This is mostly because developers usually tend to focus on creating the entire content of the course all at once. Obviously, this is normally a massive undertaking fraught with so many issues that the project will end up taking a lot of time. But with agile design processes, designers can now develop courses faster, using less time and fewer resources. This is because agile methods look at the course development process as consisting of little chunks of content that need to be developed sequentially. Only when one section is finished can the development team move on to the next section. This process of course development ensures that the training material is created within a short period of time.

Better CollaborationA huge benefit of the agile design process is that it facilitates easier collaboration among multiple individuals. Everyone involved in the course, right from the organization that invested in its development to the actual learners, can collaborate with each other and offer suggestions to improve the course. As a course developer, this gives you the chance to hear the feedback and understand which aspect of the course needs to be developed and what new, potential features should be implemented. This can go a long way in helping you fine-tune your next course.

No Last Moment Revisions NecessaryIn the traditional course development scenario, developers often tend to make numerous changes and revisions to the content. This mostly happens because the course is developed all at once, and then largely revised later on at the end of development. As a consequence, designers often need to correct a lot of errors to ensure that the training material complies with expectations. However, since agile development involves completing the course in portions, all errors and changes are addressed along the way. As such, last-minute, large-scale revisions become unnecessary.