As most of us have experienced at one time or another it is all too easy to allow one aspect of life to take precedence over all others. As an example, we get so caught up in our work that we ignore the other equally important aspects of life without realizing the impact it has on our family , relationships, health and overall well-being.

Balance is the key. When we have balance we give equal importance to every aspect of life. Yes, there are times when one aspect takes precedence over the others, however it is only when there is something pressing or needs extra attention that we do so.

Bringing balance to our daily life often brings about a sense of calm, peace and groundedness. This results in less stress allowing us to be present to whatever we are doing in the moment. When we are in the present moment we are motivated, inspired, more engaged, more productive, and ultimately happier with ourselves and life.

What exactly does it mean to live in balance? It means that we pay conscious attention to all areas of life while recognizing the impact each has on all of the other areas of life.

Let’s look at a primary personal relationship and the impact it might have on your work life. If your marriage or relationship with your significant other is challenging and stress producing the likelihood is you will carry that stress into your work life.

Relationships with your co-workers might be compromised as a result. You might develop a short fuse and easily snap at folks because they say something to you in a way that sets you off. As a result you are less engaged, become less of a team worker and less productive. As a result of your lower productivity you get passed up for a promotion you were hoping for, or even worse, laid off.

Now that you have been passed up for a promotion or laid off the financial aspect of your life is impacted. This now causes you to begin doubting yourself and your worthiness. As a result your relationship with yourself (yes, we have one) begins a downward spiral.

I think you get the point. Every aspect of our lives is integral to the others. Therefore it is imperative that to live a life of enjoyment, peace and fulfillment that we give attentive appreciation to all aspects of our life.

As a certified L.I.F.E. coach I am frequently asked how to find this elusive way of living life called balance. The answer lies in these 5 clarifying questions that will put all aspects of life into proper perspective.

• Who am I? This question addresses the "who" that is not the name, the labels, the roles, the achievements or the "stuff" acquired in life. While not an easy question to answer, taking time to do so is worthwhile and productive. As you get clear on who you are you realize you are much more than you believe yourself to be and that no aspect of life defines you.

• Why am I here? This question can be interpreted two ways. First, we could look at it as your life's purpose. What are you here to do and experience? Or, we can look at it from the perspective of what is the purpose of life . Why are any of us here? (But that's another topic altogether)

You might wonder what this has to do with gaining balance in life, however if you know why you are here you will begin making decisions and taking actions that lead to the fulfillment of that purpose. You will quickly come to realize that what you do is not your purpose, nor is it who you are. It is but a means, or one of many means, for how your purpose is expressed.

When you are engaged in activities aligned with who you are and why you are here, your life experiences will reflect the joy and happiness these activities provide.

• Why do I do what I do? This question gets to the heart of why you engage in the activities you do, like work. As an example, real estate professionals I have coached will answer initially with a response that has to do with the amount of money they can make, their love for houses, or simply that they are good with people. And while these answers are legitimate and might appear to be the correct answer for that individual, they are usually incomplete.

The answer however lies much deeper within us. It isn’t about what we do, how we do it or what doing it allows us to do. It is quite simply in how it makes us feel. If we are engaged in something that doesn’t make us feel good about “our Self”, then we are not living from our truthful “why.”

Our “why” should allow the gifts and talents with which we have been blessed to be expressed and experienced, because as such, they are an expression of who we truly are. Our why should allow the opportunity to be of service to others, not because we have to, but because it is who we are.

Getting to the core of your "why" is crucial if you are to obtain balance in life. It will give you the perspective needed to recognize the most important aspects of life and give you the clarity to address each properly.• Where can I make adjustments? After answering the questions truthfully you will find your Self at a point where you can clearly see where adjustments can be made. What will allow the fullest experience and expression of Self in daily life? Awareness is the key.

Simply become aware of what you truly desire. Be aware of the opportunities around you. Be aware of how you feel when you are engaged in activities—not only the ones that make you feel good about yourself, but also those that throw you out of balance.

With awareness you can make decisions that lead to the balance you desire. You are the authority in your life. Yes, there are outside influences such as difficult situations and people that can affect a decision; however you ultimately make the final decision as to what you will or won't do.• Am I willing? Gaining clarity on what you most desire and enjoy in life and how you can achieve balance to allow these experiences is just the beginning of the process. Now you have to answer the question of your willingness to do what is necessary to achieve and experience the balance you say you desire.

A quote I have been using for years that gets to the heart of any achievement is; “Nothing works if you don't". You can have all of the information and tools necessary, however if you are not willing to do the work you will not have the experience you set out to have.

Living in balance is a personal feeling and experience that cannot be described or defined. However, it can be observed. Someone living in balance appears to enjoy a greater sense of well-being and appreciation for life. Life seems to flow easily for them. In fact, they appear to be in tune with life.

We might use terms like, “everything seems to go their way,” or, “they always seem to have such great luck.” We know this is not true and that they, like everyone else, have their share of life’s ups and downs. It’s just that they are able to move through them with greater fluidity.

People in balance are more productive, more energized, more motivated and more enthusiastic. Life is more enjoyable and they are more enjoyable to be around.Create and allow balance in your life and work and you will create and experience a happier, more productive and more enjoyable you.

For a FREE download of Jim’s e-book, Creating Miracles, 10 Steps to a Miraculous Life click

Author's Bio: 

Jim Phillips is an author,speaker, L.I.F.E. coach and entrepreneur. His passion is the exploration and application of spiritual law as it applies to prosperity and overall quality of life. One of Jim’s gifts is his ability to help others understand and apply complex spiritual concepts to their personal life. This has lead to the development of his L.I.F.E. Coaching program. (L.I.F.E.- living in full expression)
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