What is it that makes knowledge timeless ? Is it that once we know something, we do not forget it ... or is it that wisdom of the ages settles into the very core of our being, enough so that it becomes part and parcel of who we are ?

One of my most favorite philosophers is Marcus Aurelius who lived from 121 AD to 180 AD. Yes, this is the same Marcus Aurelius who was a powerful Roman soldier and leader --- and he was also a brilliant philosopher. To keep himself grounded in the battlefield, Marcus Aurelius wrote in a journal which later became published as the popular works "Meditations."

When I read through Meditations, I found it hard to believe that the words were written 2000 years ago, because these thoughts and words blossomed off the page as timeless knowledge to me. Life and life's struggles were the same then as we experience today in our modern world.

Some quotes from Marcus Aurelius ...

"As the same fire assumes different shapes When it consumes objects differing in shape, So does the one Self take the shape Of every creature in whom he is present."

"Because a thing seems difficult for you, do not think it impossible for anyone to accomplish."

"Everything that exists is in a manner the seed of that which will be. "

"He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe."

Yep ... these few quotes were penned by a man 2000 years ago and apply today as deliberately as they did in 175 AD.

Knowledge as this is indeed timeless. These words hold a frequency that continue to process energy out to the Universe today, as powerfully as they did when they first came to the writer. I hope that you are stimulated to seek further knowledge from our past to help to create your own reality, today and on into your future.

Author's Bio: 

Rev. Barbara Delozier is known in many circles as Rev. Bee through her numerous websites, including www.PsychicBee.com and www.Empower-U.org . She is an ordained minister in the Ministry of Common Sense Spirituality, a Gnostic-based church founded by Rev. Norbert. Bee’s ministry reaches far and wide nationally and internationally. She has helped thousands of people through her connection to her inner guides, the Ascended Masters, the Angels, and Light Beings who often assist her in her readings.

Bee is a psychic / medium who is able to connect with those who have moved beyond the veil of physicality. Her gifts are generational, having been passed down from grandmother to mother to Bee. She is attuned to the clair senses of clairvoyancy, clairaudiency, and clairsentience.

Bee sometimes uses Tarot, Animal Medicine and regular playing cards to tune into the energies around you during her spiritual consultations. She also uses quartz crystals, rocks, stones and driftwood as tools of divination. Bee is also a Reiki Master, an Ama Deus Shamanic Healer and practices Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), as well in her ministry.