Polo. "Tis the sport of kings they say.Jolly good and all that.

As a motivational keynote speaker on peak performance it was fascinating to watch a game at the Houston Polo Club to draw some parallels between business and sports . The ponies are trained for years to stop on a dime and turn on a whim. The players are passionate, skilled and dedicated to the game. Both pony and rider are in perfect sync with one common goal: to win.

Extraordinary performance takes commitment, discipline and focus. Do you have what it takes?

Success in business today means you have to stand out from the crowd and be better than the competition. It starts with a passion for what you do, followed by practice to be the best and staying focused on the goal. Winning - and NOT in a Charlie Sheen way.

Polo is an expensive sport because players have to own a string of ponies.

Not liking the work you do will cost you something priceless: happiness .

Author's Bio: 

Houston motivational keynote speaker, author & pianist Theresa Behenna provides entertaining programs that inform, uplift and inspire audiences to be successful in today's economy. Using the same principles of mastering the piano that landed her at the 2006 Olympics, Theresa helps people become extraordinary performers in their field at conferences and meetings throughout the country.

Tel: 713.627.7821