Those energy drinks are not as healthy once you really think about it. Energy drinks are just about everywhere. You may get some in corner stores, gas stations, and bars.

Because these drinks are supposed to provide mental and physical stimulation, people are taking it. But do these drinks provide what's best for our overall health and wellness ?

There are studies showing that energy drink consumption provides relative improvement in mental and cognitive performances. These drinks can also increase the alertness of the consumer. But about the down side, excessive consumption may result in anxiety , insomnia and irritability.

Do you know the components of your average energy drink?

Some common ingredients would include:

• Ephedrine - a stimulant that commonly seen in weight-loss products and decongestants. You will find studies raising concern and issues about its effects around the heart.

• Taurine - an organic amino acid necessary for body to aid regulate pulse and muscle contractions. Currently, researchers making the effort to discover its impact being a energy drink additive.

• Ginseng - a sort of root thought to have several medicinal benefits. It is stated that ginseng relives stress and will increase your a higher level energy.

• B vitamin - a gaggle of vitamins that may change sugar to energy

• Carnitine - an amino acid. Its effects may be mainly about the metabolism of essential fatty acids in the body.

• Creatine - a natural acid which main contribution is on energizing the muscles for muscle contraction.

• Inositol - a member of the vit . b that helps relay messages within cells in your body.

• Ginkgo biloba - originated in the seeds with the ginkgo biloba tree. There are studies claiming its memory enhancement capabilities. ¬

Caffeine can be present in most energy drinks. Now how does an energy drink work? Caffeine and other minerals blocks certain brain chemicals in sending its messages to the brain. This brain chemical is known as adenosine which mainly linked to sleep. Thinking that the body is experiencing a problem, the anterior pituitary gland releases adrenaline.

Adrenaline release makes the heart beat faster, eyes to dilate, as well as the liver to release extra sugar towards the mainstream. This might provide the consumer an extra surge of energy required for intense physical or mental activity.

Like all other food, drink or drugs, a lot of is never healthy for you. Consuming a lot of energy drinks can cause heart palpitations, anxiety , insomnia, irritability and in many cases being jittery.

It is also dangerous to drink water while doing exercise , since its effects tend to be leaned into dehydrating your body. There are also many people who mix energy drinks with alcohol.

Studies indicated that mixing alcohol and drinks makes you feel alert and sober, allowing you to unaware of simply how much you actually drank. This may also lead to excessive drinking and then on to dehydration.

In case you drink energy drinks, then be familiar with how you consume it. There are several energy drinks that have instructions, make sure you follow them. Avid drinking which is not is, be sure to limit consumption to 2 cans a day. It is for top to avoid mixing energy drinks to alcohol.

When doing intense exercising like running or aerobics , it would be best to simply drink water instead. For expecting mothers and children, drinking energy drinks is best to be avoided. Additionally they pose damage to those who have high blood pressure levels and heart disease .

Energy drinks can be a health drink, provided that it consumed moderately.

Author's Bio: 

Joe Golson - Health And Wellness Coach,writer and promoter of GNLD Natural Health And Wellness products.Feel better naturally - use essential oils Aromatherapy for natural health and wellness