There I've said it- the "s" word. I sometimes see women cringe when the word comes up in conversation, however if you don't master the art of getting the sale, you may find your business is always up and down with cash flow.

I was involved in a sales process recently (I was the buyer) and it was simple and smooth. Below is the sequence of events and six clues to easily get more sales to grow your business:

1. Clue #1:Get out of the office. While attending a conference, I met a woman who was positive and enjoyable to speak with. She didn't try to control the conversation or sell me something when we first met. She asked me a lot of questions while listening and learning about my business and the clients I serve.

2. Clue #2:Look for opportunities to speak or present to a wider audience. I had a chance to listen to her share what her business was and how she supports business owners.

3. Clue #3:Listen with intention. I was curious about the products and services she provides after hearing her speak. When I approached her, she listened to and answered my questions. She asked for my business card so she could email me samples.

4. Clue #4:Follow-up! Within 24 hours of our conversation, she followed up by email with samples of what she promised. This is the priceless part of the process. I was impressed and my level of confidence about her service increased.

5. Clue #5:Keep the conversation going. I responded to her email with comments and questions about the samples. She, once again, had timely follow-up and answered all my questions.

6. Clue #6:I was a buyer. When she emailed me the samples, she quickly learned that I was a buyer. How? My response time to her email was swift and it was clear that I had taken the time to review the information she had sent from my questions and comments. If I had ignored her email, she would have known fairly soon that I was not a buyer. (By the way, I always email a second time if someone doesn't respond as emails can get trapped in spam or junk mail).

Part of the reason the process went so smoothly was because I was a buyer. I was looking for something specific and I was prepared to buy. Make a smart decision to attend conferences and events where your ideal client is present.

I share this story because it's easy and anyone can do it. If you adopt these six clues the next time you have an opportunity to connect with your ideal client, I can almost guarantee an increase in your sales.

Anything is possible. Everything is waiting for you.


Author's Bio: 

© 2013 Joy Chudacoff

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Joy Chudacoff, ICF, PCC, is the founder of Smart Women Smart Solutions®, a Professional Certified Coach to 1000’s of women, Motivational Speaker, and Entrepreneur. She publishes a weekly buzz generating ezine, Reflections On Life and Business for Women Entrepreneurs. If you’re ready take your life and your business to the next level, get your FREE Tips, FREE Report and FREE MP3 now at Profits With Passion .