The time near the beginning of a new calendar year often brings mixed feelings. People may review their life over the past year and vow to improve it for the next. Changes in diet , exercise , work situations, and relationships may be considered.

This current year of 2015 asked us to look at subconscious and conscious patterns and behaviors that hindered us from progressing forward. We were given opportunities to shed layers and situations that no longer supported us.

Information and revelations were presented and we had a choice to cling to the past or boldly embrace the future. Perhaps romantic partnerships dissolved or positions of employment ended. Your true identity slowly became visible as you rid yourself of people and circumstances that weighed you down.

You discovered yourself in a different light and realized how powerful and strong you really are. You've managed to handle an incredible amount of activity in all aspects of your life.

You have claimed your power and became resourceful in ways you didn't even think were possible. It's time to begin a new journey, though you may not know where it leads.

With everything that has happened and as the holidays near, remember to take time to relax and rejuvenate. Even if you are alone, respect yourself enough to hold strong in your commitment to self-care and self-love. You deserve to be healthy, happy, and free of people or conditions that brought you stress and pain.

Think about how you want to handle this coming year. What is going to be your new happy? What are your true passions and are you aligned with them? Start an amazing, fresh relationship with yourself and fall in love all over again.

Eight aspects of your life that you can look at are the following:
1.Health and fitness
2.Career and life purpose
3.Love and partnerships
4.Finances and wealth
5.Home and environment
6.Friends and family
7.Hobbies and entertainment
8.Personal growth and spirituality

Whatever life area your gut instinct is guiding you to revamp, that's usually a good indication of where to start. The slate has been wiped clean and you have the choice of creating a new you and new story.

How you managed in the past is not going to work anymore. The energies have shifted and the universe is putting you in a position to CHOOSE healthier options and approaches this time.

You have a chance to empower yourself and heal what has been neglected or out of balance. Seek solutions that resonate with love, abundance , joy, well-being, and bliss. If it doesn't feel good or right, it may not be for your benefit.

The commitment to yourself involves working on both inner and outer transformation in order to create the happiness you desire and are worthy of receiving. Are you ready for your Happy "You" Year?

Be the bliss, Alice

Author's Bio: 

Alice enjoys teaching others about personal and spiritual development. Visit her on Facebook at Alice Landry - Wealth & Wisdom.