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On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the average level of happiness in our world today, among your friends and relatives, and you personally?

Everyone can agree that we all want to be happier and more content, but how do we do it? Where do we go to find out? How do we learn the knowledge, skills and steps required?

When you begin to learn how our minds, thinking, feelings, and emotions work, the old adage “Just think positive thoughts and you’ll be happy” is nonsense. When you are unhappy it’s not even possible to create “ positive thinking .” Or, even worse, you gallantly attempt to positive think your way to happiness and fail. Then, how do you feel?

The way we think, and interpret how others do, virtually controls all aspects of our emotional lives, relationships, and happiness . So, the way we think is probably the most critical factor determining the emotional health for billions of lives. Incredibly, very few human beings are aware of this fact and even fewer have the knowledge and skills to do anything about it.

During my 20 years of formal education I learned to read, write, listen, math, English, and on and on, but I was never taught Thinkiatry’s Principles and Process to achieve Healthy Psychological Functioning and Happiness in my life.

How might my life and education have been affected if I had begun to learn, at an early age that as stated above, that the way I think and interpret how others do totally controls all aspects of my emotional life, relationships, and happiness? Why was I never given the opportunity to learn Thinkiatry?

How did I spend twenty years in school and never learn how to manage the emotional landscape of my life? What did I learn that’s more important than my psychological health and happiness? Absolutely nothing.

Let’s take it one step further than just our thinking and get more specific. To do so I ask you the following questions: Can you be angry without angry thoughts? Depressed without depressing thoughts? Feel fear without fearful thoughts? And so on. No, it is not possible if the negative thought does not exist, the feeling and physiological reactions can’t either.

Therefore, your level of healthy psychological functioning and happiness in life is a sole function of your ability to learn the skills and process required to eliminate negative thoughts from your life.

Thinkiatry’s eleven live, on-line, group classes will teach you the Principles, which are: Thinking, Feelings, Moods, Separate Realities, Life in the Present Moment, and how to apply the Principles to real life issues like Relationships, Stress, Habits & Addictions, Solving Problems, Happiness , and a Checklist for your life.

No class fees are charged because I will not refuse this priceless training to those who may be unable to pay. Voluntary donations are our sole source of funding.

In closing, don’t over think a decision to change your emotional life for the better, forever. Do not procrastinate. Do not allow fearful thoughts to overcome your desire for a happier life. Classes are fun and you can use what you learn immediately. Go to , Press the Green Schedule Now Button – select a Class Subject, Date, and time. Then click register!

Become a Thinkiatrist, the happiest people on earth!

Author's Bio: 

About The Founder:

John L. O’Brien was born in Lafayette, Indiana where his parents attended Purdue University, but he calls South Bend, Indiana home. He was an Irish kid growing up in a Jewish neighborhood within blocks of the University of Notre Dame. He has been married for more than twenty- eight years. He has four children and four grandchildren.

The only thing John has ever won in his life was the number five (5) pick for the Viet Nam draft lottery in 1969.

He earned his B.A.; M.A.; and Ph.D. in Business and Human Resource related studies. John has studied human emotions and psychological functioning for more than three decades, searching for a path to achieve lasting happiness and contentment in life. He has founded an entirely new field of study to achieve and continually refine each individual’s path to Healthy Psychological Functioning called Thinkiatry™. Studying Thinkiatry to become a Thinkiatrist™ has the potential to help millions of people alter their lives for the better, forever.

Always Watch What You Think!John O’Brien – 2010