Good Type 2 diabetes diet is the perfect incorporation of planning meals, regular exercises, weight and blood sugar management. Type 2 diabetes is practically incurable, thus the only resort is to control symptoms like the diabetic amyotrophy and other effects of the disease by managing the level of glucose and healthy living. Diabetes is a disorder of the body’s metabolism wherein blood sugar is rendered unmanageable due to the lack or absence of insulin in the body. A glucose tolerance test will indicate your body’s reaction to glucose.

Losing excess pounds or maintaining ideal weight is essential to the efficacy of a Type 2 diabetes diet. Controlling the sugar level is doubly hard if lipids are prevalent in the blood as well. Furthermore, obesity is a major factor in the development of full blown diabetes. Losing weight through regular exercise and low calorie intake is recommended. An active lifestyle coupled with arduous exercising is good in boosting the metabolism that burns fat faster. However, you must consult with your doctor first before you undergo any strenuous activities as it will have a significant effect in the sugar level.

Your main source of energy should be carbohydrates and not proteins or fats. The glucose coming from carbohydrates are slower to digest thus giving consistent energy. Simple or bad carbs coming from sugars like lactose, glucose, fructose or sucrose are however not advisable as they provide instant energy spurts that your insulin level might not be able to support. Good carbohydrates are found in beans, vegetables, nuts and whole grains. Eating the right portions is also vital to a Type 2 diabetes diet . Too much or too little glucose will badly affect your sugar level.

Below are some of the basic food groups to be included in your Type 2 diabetes diet :

1. Whole grains like oats and wheat are rich in soluble fibers necessary in maintaining cholesterol and blood sugar level. Choose bread, pastries and other product from whole grains.

2. Beans are fat-free and have high proteins and carbohydrates. Make meals healthier by substituting meat with beans and legumes.

3. Fishes are another good source of the good fat. The Omega3 from fishes is important in keeping our hearts healthy. Fish meat is generally lean but high in proteins. Enjoy your fish grilled, broiled or baked.

4. The monounsaturated fat present in most nuts makes it a good substitute to chip and fries during snack time. Go for peanut butter instead of creamy and cheesy spreads. Keep servings low as they are also high in calories.

5. The vegetables are the only unrestricted food in the Type 2 diabetes diet because it has no fat or carbohydrate content that will affect the blood sugar level. Vegies like spinach, mushrooms, broccoli, lettuce and peppers are also great sources of vitamins and minerals.6. Yogurt has significant protein, calcium and good carbohydrates that are essential to any healthy diet.

Without any sufficient amount of insulin in the body, your sugar level will tend to fluctuate. Very low or very high sugar level in the blood can be extremely dangerous and trigger symptoms like the diabetic amyotrophy. Thus, the importance of eating the right amount of the right food at the right time is key for a successful Type 2 diabetes diet.

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If you need more information about type 2 diabetes diet , then make sure to check Douglas Kidder's excellent free report on diabetic amyotrophy .