Was your last meeting one big snooze fest? Whether you’re an association executive, on a program committee, in corporate meeting planning or staff development training the challenge to maintain people’s attention is huge. With four generations in the workplace today meetings can be a headache to get everyone on the same page let alone excited about being there. Short of distributing massive quantities of Red Bull, what do you do?

After years of traveling around the world playing the piano and speaking at conferences I’ve found there is a common bond with people of all cultures and generations that is vastly under used. It’s a magical tool that unites everyone and has the power to positively affect their mood and behavior . It’s music. Sound too simple? Too fluffy? Let me paint a picture using the powers of simple and fluffy….

In 2006 I was hired by Coca Cola to perform at the Winter Olympic Games in Italy. One night I was playing for an audience that consisted of global CEO’s, international politicians, European security forces, Hollywood celebrities and United Nations volunteers. Regardless of the blatant contrasts in backgrounds and education, everyone joined together singing along to popular songs that crossed the borders of race, politics, religion , age and class.

Another time I was speaking to 1200 employees at ExxonMobil where they were having trouble getting their message across due to boredom at meetings. Two minutes into the presentation the entire audience was clapping along to Frank Sinatra’s New York, New York. This is a classic example of how music:

• Initiated a tone of fun – people remember how they feel versus what was said at an event
• Captivated and maintained attention – audiences learn more when they are having a good time
• Broke the ice – no awkwardness in front of the boss
• Opened minds to be receptive – new way of working
• Made the message and the meeting memorable
• Set a precedent of positive anticipation for future meetings

Not so fluffy. Ever so simple. For an energizing change of pace at your next training session, awards program, monthly association meeting or annual conference try adding the magic of music! Poof! It works.

Author's Bio: 

Theresa Behenna is a motivational speaker who specializes in attitude and rocks audiences into a good mood. Using delightful Aussie humor and playing live piano music she travels throughout the US keynoting at conferences, meetings and special events. www.TheresaBehenna.com