The most important conversation you will ever have is the one between you and You. The you that sees, smells, tastes, touches and hears (the here and now you) and the You that exists inside of you. Call the "Within You" whatever you like - life, consciousness, spirit, higher self, your subconscious mind... you know where I'm going with this yes? Yes.

I call the process of communicating between you and You, The Great Conversation and there are two things you need to know to master it. The first, is its language and the second is that it never stops. As long as you have a body and are breathing (and perhaps beyond that) you are engaged with it.

The language used in The Great Conversation and thus the Language of Life (You) is your feelings. You access your feelings with your thoughts. That is why there is such high regard for "thoughts" and " positive thinking " in self-help material. Advocating it is an attempt to get you into the realm of better Feeling Thoughts.

Despite the attempt, positive thinking is still one of the most misunderstood aspects of personal growth . Here's the fundamental problem. When we consider the phrase " positive thinking " we think it's a one-step, self explanatory directive, "just think positive thoughts and you'll get everything you want". Sounds good right? However in my experience and those of thousands who've tried and failed, " positive thinking " is a grossly over simplified misnomer. Instead of thinking positive we'd do better focusing our energy on "Believing Positive".

Belief is where it's at. Thinking is overrated.

Let's face it. You can think something all day long, you can even know it intellectually but if it hasn't been recognized by the Within You and become an integral part of how you operate, you don't really believe it. Therefore whatever you are trying to affect with your thinking will remain unaffected. The communication between you and You is off. When you believe something you have an emotional / feeling connection to the object of your belief and you act in accordance with it.

Getting to Believing Positive is the only place you need to go to set yourself up for success. You get there through repetition. This is because, by nature we are habitual beings. This is why the practice of creating and repeating affirmations is such a popular tool for accelerating personal growth . With new, effective, power-filled affirmations you bypass your old programmed thinking, and "set" the Within You on the course of your choosing. By extension, the here and now you will behave appropriately.

Using Affirmations to get to your Believing. An affirmation is a declaration that something is true. It matters not what you are affirming. Right or wrong, if you affirm something long enough or passionately enough it will become a part of your Within You programing, your mindset, and evidence of it will show up in your life. When working with affirmations , keep the following in mind:

• Great affirmations elicit strong emotions.

• Write them in the present tense.

• Be positive.

• Keep it brief.

• Use verbs - include "action" words.

• Repeat them as much as possible throughout the day.

Practically speaking, you can think of affirmations as abbreviated versions of your goals, so consider creating one for each thing you want to accomplish and every aspect of your life that you want to change. For example lots of people have goals centered around money. I use the Attitudes Of Wealth Declarations I learned while attending T. Harv Eker's Millionaire Mind Intensive (MMI)*. I repeat these and others to myself everyday.

• I create my life. I create the exact amount of my financial success.

• I admire and model rich and successful people.

• I am a generous giver and an excellent receiver.

• Lucrative opportunities always come my way.

• My capacity to earn, hold and grow money expands day-by-day.

Use affirmations to master the The Great Conversation. Remember the Language of You (Life) are your feelings. You access your feelings with your thoughts. Your thoughts determine your action and you actions deliver your results. Every time.

Author's Bio: 

Like each of us, GEMEEM DAVIS has been on her own journey of self growth and enlightenment. Her unrelenting commitment to that journey has produced her new book Make Life Work:Personal Growth For Today's Entrepreneur. Through her mission to empower people all around the world, she is lighting the way for millions to experience more freedom and joy in their lives. Visit her website, and get a sneak peek of Make Life Work by downloading the Forward and Introduction for Free and get instant access to two Special Reports: Confessions of A Rookie Online Entrepreneur.