What would you like to change in your life? Did you make a New Year’s Resolution to exercise more, stop a negative habit or behaviour, manage your weight or learn a new skill? Or would you simply like to find a natural way to manage STRESS?

Hypnotism sessions can assist you in making any (or all) of these changes. In fact, just about anything that you desire to change/improve will benefit from suggestions that directly affect your subconscious mind, rather than your ‘logical or analytical’ conscious mind.

The subconscious mind is the real driver of who you are and what you do. All habits , behaviours and emotions are housed at this ‘deeper’ level of your mind which represents approximately 80% of the total mind. It needs to be ‘reprogrammed’ before lasting changes can be achieved. That leaves 20% for the conscious (analytical) part of your mind and it is this part that decides to make a change. Suppose you make a conscious decision to start jogging at 6:00am every day. Is it the subconscious mind that sabotages your desire or the conscious mind that says it is too cold and snowy or that the bed feels warm and cozy? What part of your mind do you think will win out – the 80% or the 20%? By the way; will power represents approximately 1% of the entire mind and it resides within the conscious portion.

Hypnotism is beneficial as it aligns both parts of the mind and gets them to agree – ‘to be on the same page’. If you truly want to make positive lifestyle changes give hypnotism a try.

I invite you to book a complimentary consultation.

Author's Bio: 

Linda Winterton is a Certified Hypnotist with a thriving private practice. Her specialty is guiding female professionals and solopreneurs to believe in them self and live to their full potential.
She specializes in stress management and empowerment for women entrepreneurs allowing them to fulfill their goals and help others.