Much is to be said about maintaining proper hygiene not only to ensure confidence when dealing with others but to make a good impression as well. Proper hygiene and taking care of oneself can go a long way in cultivating personal and business relationships therefore their significance cannot be undermined. Being clean and presentable is an inherent aspect of being a social being so it is only necessary that a person be conscientious about it. One of the most common and embarrassing hygiene issues is bad breath or halitosis. As much as one may thin that the condition is inconsequential posing no health detriments, a person should think otherwise as bad breath can cause damage to one’s social life.

Having bad breath can give the impression that one is neglectful of their oral hygiene and with stinking breath being unpleasant, it can drive people away. When a person has bad breath, it can also affect their confidence as they may become too self-conscious when having up-close interactions with others. The primary cause of bad breath is poor oral hygiene therefore one must be keen on maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Aside from that, there are other factors that contribute to bad breath such as bacteria and leftover food particles in the teeth sockets. Decaying food particles in the mouth is the most common cause of bad breath and the bacteria active in these food particles instigate the release of hydrogen sulfide which is an element leading to halitosis.

When the mouth becomes dry and lacks moisture due to insufficient saliva, bad breath can also manifest. Saliva acts as a natural mouth cleanser by keeping the mouth wet and if one has this specific problem, sucking sugarless candy can be the solution. It may be sensible to constantly keep sugarless candy in one’s person in case of need. Drinking plenty of fluids to keep the oral cavity moist may also be helpful in warding off bad breath. It is generally advisable to visit the dentist once in two or three months for regular check up and treatment of dental carries which is also a major contributor to bad breath.

The same can be said with bleeding gums. It is a wise measure to prevent and diagnose these conditions in their early stages to prevent the onset of bad breath. Other medical conditions that result to bad breath are ulcers, diabetes, gum retraction, gingivitis, bio film, salivary gland disease and dental plaques. In such cases, treatment of the underlying condition and mints and mouthwash added to an oral hygiene regimen can aid in addressing bad breath. In the case of dental plaques, a regular oral prophylaxis conducted by the dentist once every six months is recommended. Most are also aware of the fact that aromatic foods such as onion and garlic can cause one to have bad breath.

As much as these spices are tasty, they can ward people off as they can cause a person to give off unpleasant odor when talking. After consuming these foods, it may be sensible to thoroughly wash the mouth or to indulge in them during dinnertime when there are less chances of social interaction. When brushing the teeth, one must pay attention to every corner and crevice as well as the tongue. When one suffers from bad breath, their social life and consequently their confidence can suffer as well. Implementing good oral hygiene is essential to present a sweet smelling clean breath.

It is a manifestation of being conscientious about one’s hygiene and can serve to attract good social relationships. Bad breath then, contrary to what others may think, is an important health issue.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article, Rose Windale , is a Health and Wellness Coach who has been successful with several natural health programs for many years. Rose recently published a step-by-step guide on how to lose weight the EASY way and become totally healthy and happy. More info on her life-changing eating habits plan HERE .