So many type of smart phone or mobile applications developments abound nowadays. This can be seen at the massive popularity of android apps development. The iPhone or iPad application development, blackberry, Symbian or windows application development are also quite famous. Web application development includes Asp. Net, PHP, Ajax, SharePoint, J2EE, Web 2.0 and .Net applications. On the other hand, desktop app development falls under custom app development. It is important to know that the open source OS called Android is Linux-based. There is a wrong idea among people that Google is the sole owner of the android applications. Android is owned by so many mobile operators, semiconductor companies and software companies.

The Android OS has three main versions. Rights are granted to third party app developers by Android's nature of being an open source program. They have the freedom to create and consequently publish their own apps. Feedback can also be received. Android app developers have the advantage of being able to create apps on any type of platform. If Windows cannot be used, you can opt for Linux. Other android app developers use Mac OS X instead. Android apps development is considered to be one of the fastest growing smart phone application developments.

More than 50000 android apps currently exist. New android mobile phones are released throughout the year and the mobile market is also increasing its productivity at an excellent rate. A lot of benefits are made available to anybody who create apps using android. There are so many comprehensive libraries in the android platforms that can be used for 2D or 3D graphics. There are also a plethora of libraries that are used by android app developers for creating video or audio files. They will even help you create image files without too much effort. Included in the services rendered by android apps development companies is testing the apps in the stimulator after they have been created. The final test will be conducted in the android device. This is performed mainly for its efficiency.

Those who are interested in application development will surely like the android apps. The absence of any differentiation between mobile phones' core application and other third party apps makes this possible. The android app development team provides services for all kinds of android based devices. These applications are all Wi-Fi Based or Bluetooth-based. The android phones also provide wonderful support for the media or graphic files.

Those who work on android applications need to be highly experienced in mobile apps. They should have experience working directly on mobile apps for a length of time. This field will provide the relevant experience that will be required when the time comes for them to decide to transition to android app creation. The apps should be of such high engineering quality that they deserve to be referred to as masterpieces. A thorough knowledge on android SDKs and NDKs is necessary. They must also be able to edit the existing apps and convert them into android compatible apps.

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