Have you ever had questions which no one could answer? Well, that was me before I found the School of Natural Health Sciences (SNHS). This school opened the real world of answers for me, as I thought that my life was lacking in transpersonal meaning and existential purpose.

I was first inspired to be enrolled in the school for personal reasons; I wanted to assist my wife with her goals for optimum health and wellness, as she was tired of the feelings of low energy and “evening sickness” after a long day at work. At the School of Natural Health Sciences, I studied the courses in reflexology , as it was my original experience with natural healing arts, and this course expanded my understanding into the world of true health and divine wellness and also enabled me to add the therapeutic touch into my marriage as well as to enhance my developing skillset.

The transpersonal meaning and the existential purpose that I comprehend from the studies is that we, as human beings, are more than the sum total of our physical self and physical reality. I was exposed to the real knowledge that I needed to explore the intangible aspects of my life and to do so in a more profound manner.

"The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence." Rabindranath Tagore

The inspiration grew into a deep desire to integrate holistic therapies into my lifestyle, and this is when I continued my quest with the School of Natural Health Sciences and I studied courses in meridian psychotherapy. This involved an in-depth journey into the intangible world of the human being, some aspects of the courses include emotional freedom techniques , affectionately referred to as emotional reflexology . I was able to make a deeper connection between the different dimension of our energy and physical bodies with my lifestyle and in life itself.

The energy body, which is known as the etheric body, plays an important role in the manifestation of the health and wellness of our physical body; when we are tuned into our bioenergy field, the level of insight into our world changes. This has helped me to learn to appreciate how connected we are with people, places, animals etc. on an energy level.

"Nature is my manifestation of God. I go to nature every day for inspiration in the day's work. I follow in building the principles which nature has used in its domain." Frank LLoyd Wright

The more aware and connected we become, then the more inspired we are to fulfil our lives’ mission and vision, and this is also what the School of Natural Health Sciences means to me. This school is an inspiration for anyone who has a mind to learn, no matter who you are or where you are from.

In the cycle of inspiration which is credited to Neale Donald Walsch, inspiration is the on-going series which "Manifests Your Reality."

The elements involved in the cycle of inspiration are as follows: Think, Create, Become, Express, Experience, Be.

"The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation. You are not discovering yourself, but creating yourself anew. Seek therefore, not to find out Who You Are, but seek to determine Who You Want to Be." Neale Donald Walsch

What the cycle of inspiration doesn’t take into an account is opportunity; the School of Natural Health Sciences gave me an opportunity to learn new holistic therapies, which is difficult to find on the island of Jamaica, with courses such as professional relaxation therapy and crystal healing.

I believe everyone needs an opportunity; inspiration is connected to opportunity on a vibration level. I can’t follow my attraction if there is no pathway for me to connect my inspirations to my manifested reality. The School of Natural Health Sciences provides that opportunity for everyone who is inspired to better themselves and become professional holistic therapists and also for people, who want to live a higher level of life.

"Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!" Bob Marley

So I have questions which I am now able to answer with much more zest and confidence, because I followed my attraction which led me to the School of Natural Health Sciences. My therapeutic touch was greatly enhanced; from just being a part of a therapeutic treatment to a touch of real existential knowledge and transpersonal understanding.

This is why I enjoyed studying with the School of Natural Health Sciences: because the courses are meaningful to my life; they are formative and inspirational to the development of the human being.

Author's Bio: 

Kenroy Taylor is a certified Reflexologist and Relaxation Therapist in Jamaica, West Indies. http://yourtherapistbynature.webs.com

He has the following holistic therapy qualifications: SNHS Dip. (Reflexology), SNHS Dip. (Advanced Reflexology), SNHS Dip. (Indian Head Massage),SNHS Dip. (Professional Relaxation Therapy), SNHS Dip. (Meridian Psychotherapy), SNHS Dip. (Advanced Meridian Psychotherapy), SNHS Dip. (Herbalism), SNHS Dip. (Advanced Herbalism), SNHS Dip. (Colour Therapy), SNHS Dip. (Crystal Healing) & SNHS Higher International Diploma in Complementary Therapies.
SNHS Website: https://naturalhealthcourses.com/